alupe st Scott's Grossing; thence up Block Creek, crossing Big Hill /it the present crossing. Across Grape creek at the Present crossing and Ferdena las Greek at about the present crossing; thence to Fredericksburg along the present road. ■ < ■ (.:. -f-I-t—should -be mentioned here that.iron Fredericksburg an old trail \ r 1 passed westward and's otttbwestvmrd, ‘over H0rsehead C rossing at the Pecos river and down to Chihuahua, Mexico; and again branched at Comanche SrprinsrsfF't. Stockton), and ’passed westward through I'impia Canyon and Ft. Devi's to 51 Paso and the 'Jest,.5 She '3 an Saba trail • {From -ti chard son’s map, 16V0„) The San Saba trail continued northwestward from Fredericksburg and proceeded to Ft. Mason, then to Ft. Ban 3aba in the center of Menard county. Then it continued as the upper stagecoach road to 13. Paso through the Green fountains; thence up the main Concho river, south of Castle mountains, crossing the Tocos at Sraigr int Crossing (?) ; thence up the i j?.e.-;cos river arid Delaware creek and on to 51. Paso. This upper trail to 51 Paso, however, was not successful, because of difficulty in finding the needed amount of water along the way, .Che other road through the Davis mountains and > Ft. Davis was the more traveled way. Span 1 eh. Pass, north of Boerne, is so named because of this old Spanish trail through there. This trail was .established some time in Hr. Locke suggests there must hSve been considerable population around Ft, San Saba. Old irrigation wor'ks there find other things' indi.-cate this. The .Spanish fort at San Saba is the initial starting poi nt for surveys there • just -as the headstone of on officer's grave at Ft. Lon carter is the initial starting poi nt for blocks of surveys in Crocke'tt c\c>un'..v *