14 POPULATION—ALABAMA Table 4.—Population of Counties bv Minor Civil Divisions: 1930, 1920, and 1910—Continued number and distribution 15 Table 4. Population op Counties by Minor Civil Divisions: 1930, 1920, and 1910—Continued MINOR CIVIL DIVISION 1930 1920 1910 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION 1930 1920 1910 Houston County—Con. Jefferson County 431,493 ”310,054 ”228,470 Prec. 3, Cowarts......... 2,533 2,352 2,389 ! Prec. 1............. 1.JW 1.072 S70 Webb town..............t,00 415 256 , Prcc. 2.......... 11,100 $,320 5,333 Prec. 9, Kinsoy............ 912 770 684 | Jlesscmcr city, total.. 50,721 18,674 10.S64 Prec. 10, A sli ford.... 2,12.5 2,200 1,837 In Prcc. 2^...... 4,S2S S,143 ..... Ashford town........... 920 744 479 In Prrc. S3---- 16, SOS 15,581 10.S64 Prec. 11, Orangeburg and Prcc. 3................ 1.5S9 2,451 3,301 Crosby..............., i,9JS 2.0S5 1,931 , Johnstown”.......... S44 ............. Prec. 12. Cordon........1 2.251 2,183 2,325 Prec. 1................ 023 500 43S Gordon town.........i 299 319 293 ■ Prce. 5............. 917 C32 1,407 Prcc. 13, Cnluinbin.....1 3,108 2,719 3,015 Prec. G............. 1,132 1,0S4 1,214 Colu Hilda town.....1 926 SCO 1,122 Prcc. 7............. 0.012 5,101 2 19G Prcc H, Harpers School- I Prec.S............... 2,029 1,977 i’s72 Jioii-o--............... 70G CS0 CS9 Prec.9, that part outside [ Birmingham city... 12,377 7,G8S 5,515 ; Prec. 10,that part outside 1 Birmingham city ”... 249 1,173 1,091 _ , „ I Prcc. 11............ 9, OSS 1,150 2.GG9 Jackson County....... 38,881 ”35,804 ”32,918 ' Tarrant City ”___ 7,341 734 , ==='==== ' Prec. 12........................... 3.S40 2,245 ”i 451 Prcc.l.nrWfcix’rt”....... 3,510 3, i;12 2,917 /.cedi town...... 2,523 l,COO 810 BrUocporl cilu......; f, 1=1 2,018 1,12J ; Prec. 13.■......... 2,120 1 601 •>■>33 rrec..I, Stevenson ”..... 2.S23 2,844 2.011 I Prcc. 14............ 739 629 7,71 „ „ .....1 733 0.0 671 I Prec. 15.......... 2,191 1,842 I. MS 1 rcc. 4, Cnrpcnter-l..i S10 294 714 Prrc. 16.......... 3,066 2.GSI 2‘Jr«S FnWus...........I 1.100 1,230 925 I P,CC. 17.......... 2ioC7 ± 731 2280 1 rec. G, Fackler.......j 1,511 1,437 1,351 ! Warrior toion_____ 646 508 660 1 rec. 7, Bass .........i 000 878 S2S Prec. 18. * 1 550 ° 712 *> ico pfeco A?iis°onprln8.....i Vi sis Brooksidciwn:::::: mg "Its proo. io il'fcd-;.::::: 2.™ 2.305 ,.S i prccc%w"’“’"..... ,ig »fg rrJn’vkih«”.............1 ifd ,%£ m ^20 MS k,m Proc.lil.Ston...........i ™ SSL 7ronrfa.',town.......... 1.S17 m 572 Prec. 13, Tupelo........I 719 835 SS3 i Prcc' 23............. ^aS *• 5JJ rw it’ hark.,nS,ll°..... 1,118 1,047 1.001 Prcc! 2?........................... S5 S? Prec. 15, Hunts Store... 441 335 350 ................ 0 550 397 Prec. ig, AVoodviiio.... sr.i 79o 701 P — 8i009 2,0*2 1,571 Woodvllle town...... 108 ig/ ■ cltVM--- 6.103 ----------------- Free. 17, Trenton........ 429 544 ”"028 p[m 27............ 343 110 397 l'rec. IS, Collins........ J52 76S 877 «.................. 330 210 371 Prec. 19, Bishop......... 354 390 479 907 737 405 Prec. 20. Kyles.......... 751 700 rm P nu2!,ith wl ^^toutside Prcc. 21. Scottsboro.... 4,022 3 545 3 2$ P™ ™Dghft,n City--- 2’0.52 25 ,iH2 '•aw 359 Prec. 39. Dean »........... 951 ......p®™n«b“'n city.............. 4,355 2i502 liM5 '% ?8J™W7 0n"6'01110 1 and 3 bo7'vean 1910 and precinels 49 and 52 not returned separably Blmlilfc Population (6,803 In 19->o- 1 so, i„ ,01m ol Preelnct 54 annexed t° Birmingham city in ina^nS^? not returned by precincts in 1C20 1:27, Homuwo^ partof'lO In lt24; Pinkney Ci.y towns not returned separaLl?|a K‘Mtl ,rom P“H ol 49 In 1M6 JohS°' QreysWlio? and MINOR CIVIL DIVISION 1930 1920 1910 MINOR CIVIL DIVISION 1930 1920 1910 Jefforson County—Con. Lauderdale County........................ 41,130 39,558 30,936 Free!45,"thVt'pnrt"outsido" 1,021 1,010 “ KtuSL................ 3W? i-o Tjl Birmingham city.... 2,935 3.19-1 3,391 ; RoaaStown.......... 3’"$ ’s97 ' 5Sf S............... *gj ffGS S 2,211 5Sffa............................................ 1,102 2,091 Prcc. 4, Cross Roads- 1,782 1,871 1,070 pfSJ- ...................... 1)(W ?ec,f,0rccnHi11-------------------------------- 2'018 2,Oil 1,696 pJ5®*S.............. r* 9*4? T’SSS Prcc. G, Center Star 1,378 1,309 1,554 Prec. si thatpart outsido* ‘-20 ' j ?rec i Skbu^u...... !'§3§ i'm S Birmingham city 31........ 1,544 .... PreS l[ ifnSrtSSZ::” IS *,S m ffcdaVyV.::::::::: $25 J:S5 ::::::: i !i'7”“ &S ^25 Prcc. 54, that part outsido Prcc 11 ClovcrdKlc....................... 2^12 4 1 714 Birmingham city”... 350 1,840 . Prei $ OaklandB 569 B551 B344 ' B, it Mon tily'.V. '.’.'MV. l’,708 3.CC5 'T.502 P„e !5'Sh °p"“nd.............................. ’’sJa ‘'SIS *’ 1SJ r^-50;;............. 2.409 ............................. Prec: tsl Gratrelly Springs! SM sn Sis 1 rCC. 0/ —---------— O, cal ........ ....... I prnp ir Sniitlmnni t riOI rt(IS Birmingham city, total”.. 259, KS 17S.S0G 132,OSS pfee!!?: WalcrlM./.::::: l.Si 1,M7 1,435 In reeim ...................... Waterloo town.................................. l'J7 Ho 135 ‘SS/i; ........................ -.................................... 1 Prcc. IS, Spains............. 631 770 610 £‘k*2-8an-....... H'mI .............................. Prco. 19, Atlas................................. 535 557 6M In Prcc. /5!COS IIIIIIII "IIIII p"^ ......ii,oilLawrence couaty........................................................20.942 24,307 21, m l"S"'«.......-.... .................................. Prcc. I, Hillsboro............................ 2,193 2,063 1.SS7 p," w ir.ii;;........... ra'Se ...................... irnteboro town.................................. 240 24S 202 VeS I:::::::::::::: Fm^Sss^”-........... 3-lE 7,| d... rr noq Oourtland town........ So9 367 478 in l'rec. 04............ o,ujs ...................... Prec. 2H, Town Creek.... 2,074 2,450 2,487 Town Creek town...................................... 427 405 344 I^‘rC»u"17.........?™:43;iKnBiStauVmo'” 1.12s 1,§8 1,430 Fnvlrnon?o^......... ‘'SS L40 SSiKn^opL::::: 1:25 U1 i:SS prea!ri“i::::::::: m i.m -i.&l Prey^0"‘............................................. 4iffl 3,S Prec, 3, Sisomoro............ 044 787 931 p„.^““p,°"h“ J”...... . SI? Pr° Brim/na?eiin ............ 104 M2 ">l Prec! o| OnkyilloB628 1,812 B813 preo s G^e "..:::::: ™...................312 ^?r0rj?Ctopi!l,‘- ‘■Hi Kl MS Prcc. 0, Honson.............. 527 510 624 SS-}i’SKStai-........ i * ™ 1,157 ‘-SS ffi 5! gSgSF= Pr'sSi,^rrL,:::::::: ?:ml l‘m 2,Z 150.............. 5S S 1m ; "sprin^.^-L^LA?. 822... Prcc. 12, Trulls............. 712 1,017 042 Prec! h! MiilportI”I”I“ 1,372 1,253 1,278 Lee County............... 30,003 32.321 32,807 Prcc'7ltPStLn“Hi;: 1,000 1,097 847 Prec. I, Beulah.............. 6S4 855 080 prcc^n&d............ Z 25 Prcope(°accily:::::::::: ¥% 2:52 ^:??45 Prcc" 17 Wilson”"... 41 CS6 005 Prcc, 3, Kidcc Orovc. 1,390 1.C00 1,021 Prec 18 Rideo ”........ 099 S00 S55 Prec. 4, Roxana............ 1,057 033 1,520 Prec! Jo’ Beii™.:::::::::: 345 343 wami7iowr,,Mai.^. sss 20s... Prop 2n' Hurrv I 4S7 455 4GS In Lee Co--------------------- SS ------- prec! $ a“.im S...°J.................. /«cumber, a. 295 20s. " I^^ARf—BravCTton°town not returned sepnrolcly in 1920; precinct 21 organized from parts ol 17 and 1S”°LM?iENCE.-Precinct 14 organized from parts ol 7, 0, and 10; precinct 15 from parts of 2, 7, and 13; and precinct 10 from parts of 4 and 10 in 1920.