Th XL il ..U Til U U li .. , UU .......... )............ LD iT A L . iC EDIT, ROOM 113, G ! T !R iOTEL I TON10, la , \UGUI T 37, at 13:15 P.M. 1. The me.-.Sing v/.-.s or lied to order by the Chairman. 3. Those present were Messrs, Y'imer, Tyrrell and byres. Mr. ’..'-..Ithali still absent in New York. 3. No Eisbursamant Shoet submitu ed. 4. The minutes of the previous meeting were not read. 5. The failure of Mr. Thompson in the East to obtain moneys for considerable time resulted in the authorization of a letter to Mr. Thompson as attached hereto. 6. Mr. Tyrrell reported that matters were progre sing 3 ;bisf ctorily for the Chamber of Commerce to is .us a letter commending the Old Spanish Trail. 7. Mr. rimer and Mr. . yres reported they would at tana the Kerrvilla Junction road picnic. Mr. Tyrrell offered, to help rr n je for a feature article in the Express. 8. The Board decided no more checks could be sent Mr. Thompson until a more satisfactory condition existed in the East. 8 8. The meeting adjourned. Chairman.