SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE ACTIVITIES OF TEE SAN AIT TOE 10 OFFICE OF THE OLD SPANISH TEe.IL DURING THE ABSENCE OF TEE MANAGING DIRECT OH The Managing Director was engaged in the East and at Washington on Old Spanish Trail work -from January 2 to July 31, 1922. On "his return to San Antonio he found conditions which, in his judgment, were wasteful and improper, and contrary to established policies, and also contrary to the constitution and by-laws, and to the practice proper to an incorporated body. August IV, 1922 he appointed a committee to inquire into all transactions and policies, and to report with recommendations to insure proper business conduct under ail circumstances hereafter. This Finance Committee as appointed consists of Kenneth Aimer, chairman, Leon Walthall, Percy Tyrrell, Henry TV Mathews and L.B.Stoner—-all men of high business standing and faithful supporters of the GST. The auditing firm and the law firm that have served the Association from the beginning were placed at the command of this committee. Because the conditions objected to \rere fostered by the President and aided by the employee in charge of the office the Managing Director preferred that a committee of this unquestioned standing should investigate and report, rather than that he himself adopt summary action. To insure a thoro inquiry, the Managing Director submitted to this committee a series of questions for particular consideration. The report of this Fissnce Committee will be made to the .advisory Board. Then will follow, it is hoped, constructive measures to assure an administration that shall always be clean and correct. For the information of 03T members the questions submitted are here repeated, together with the findings thru the independent investigations of the Managing Director^, and ir cooperation with the auditors. QUESTIONS A1TD ANSWERS 1. Q. ARE TEE MONEYS BANKED AND CHECKED OUT WITH PROPER REGARD TO COITSTITUT10!"AL REQUIRE!XTT3Y a. They are improperly banked. Early in March, to gain control of finances, deposits were discontinued at the legally adopted bank, and all money was deposited in the Commonwealth Bank subject to the signature of the President only. The constitutionxx and by-laws require the signature of the president and treasurer, and the convention of 1919 the signature of the managing director has also been required. This change established a working control by Dr. Johnston and D....Uolp of all moneys that came into their possession, and waste and personal exploitation commenced. Trior to this, and chi ring the Managing Director's absence, other efforts for personal exploitation were attempted 2. Q.AHS THE BOOHS AMD ACCOUNTS CLEARLY AND CAREFULLY KEPT? A. A complete and accurate set of books, with every dollar received entered on the cask book, exists from the beginning, 1919, to the departure of the Managing Director for the East; since then correct accounts have not been kept. The auditors, reporting to July 10, 1922, found cash and accounts diet not tedanasa agree, ana there are no properly kept books now. The discrepancies of the July report are still nuix unaccounted for. Additionally, idrx statements sent from the East are not entered; the payments by H.B.Ayres of ;250 00 for rent and of ;50 00 for