Old Spanish i’rail Association, Sau Antonio.Texas. Gentlemen:- The following is a list of membership renewals and advert jfe -sements obtained during the past week with checks for same attached hereto. Oh- oJL Oy^H.Eemschel, membership, Kerrville,Texas. v jIO.OG» ^’’itichards' Garage, membership & advertisement, Herrvil. ychaney's Confectionery " " " J* Junction Hardware Company ) member & two ads.i \\ 1- {yjuhction Hardware Company Garage) " •*'1 \': C^Alex J.Hamer, membership, Junction,Texas. * ~ ..........................................33“ ‘3 iisst national Bank of Sonora,membership,Sonora,Texas. ty _i. ./.Elliott, " * " 0K, w'bonora Irug Store " " .1 .. Sonora Ho tor Co. membership ad. " " ■' ' . ( , u. ierce 1 s Cafe " .’-Taiider Stucken-Trainer Co. membership*!; ad " " b y 25. 00-Tc V 25. con •J 40. .00 ✓ 10. .00 y 25. c 0 r y j.0, .00 0- «/ 10. .00 - y 10, .oc y : ' .oof y 25 .c y 25 .oc /r i$ 1 r n Total Cjfc v/ 1240.00 c f: ■//•& Hr.H.Hemsohel at Herrville having qualified,I would reco.xiend that he be retained as councilor there. At Junction I notice that there is no counciloran Coke H.Stevenson is one of the Vice Presidents,and resides there. He gives the 032 service map high praise and support.It may be advisable to have a councilor there also,and I believe ..a'.Hail A.loeffler would make a good one. Here at Sonora,Hessrs../.I.Aldwell and 1.'./.Elliott are the two councilors.They have both this day qualified,and are giving most excellent support for the work of the CST service. Yours very truly,