DISBURSEMENT S’lETIT IIO. 24. Prom January let to June 30th,1925. Following accounts ordered paid: Service Engraving Go. Alamo ITultigraphing Go. The ’.Vestern Union Teleg. Po t c herni c k-Ilaa k Standard Printing Go. 3 .A. Paper Gomnany Alamo Blue Print Go. Alarno Book & Picture -’rame Gash H B Ayres Mrs. Ida Brosch Gash H.B. Ayres Southwestern Bell Tele. Go. Eagle Printing Company H B Ayres H B Ayres S. A. Printing Gomnany H B Ayres IIoel X Brown •S. A, Printing Company 7 3 Lalloue Mrs. Ida Brosch Gash Gash GashfTravelog money) Automobile Under, of Am. Jack Ileal Hash Lltrs. Go, H B Ayres A B Cochrane Gash Grov/n Paper Box & Label Go. 3. A. Printing Gomnany H B Ayres Gash H B Ayres II B Ayres Mrs. Ida Brosch 3./.Bell Telephone Company Grown Paper Bx a Label Co*. Gash ’(Travelog money) II B Ayres H B Ayres Gammel’s Book store H B Ayres H 3 Ayres La. Travel op map wk. Letters to 3.Tex. Dec. 1924 stmt. Typewriter ribbon Himoo Overprint 2 Pm. raineo Paper La.ATex. Tr. work For frames starans, etc. Personal Jalary fo r T ov.1924 Gash book & Photos Personal l/l/sG statement Pkg. & Postage Trip to Austin (7,7) Personal On account (Or.1921 mbshn) Personal In full old acct. On acct. old acct. On acct. Tex.Sr.71c. Salary for wee. 1924 For stamps 143(3) H 3 Ayres trio to Austin 144(3) Stamps ------ H B Ayres Gar Ins. 145(3)' " " " " Licensel46(3) Personal 147(3)' Publicity 148(3) Stamns, etc. 149(3) Acet. Display cases 150(3) On acet. old acct. --------- I.Irs. L.J.Brannon 151(3) Stamps, etc. 152(3) Bal Austin trip 153(3) Personal 154(3) Salary for Jan.1925 155(3) 2/1/25 Phone bill 156(3) lii full mbshp cases 157(3) Stamps ------ Del P.io trio 158(3) " " 159(3) 3k.Tex. 18th cent. 160(3) La-Ala-Fla trip 161(3) Personal 162(3) CHECK DR. 120(3) 121(3) 122(3 123(1 124(3 125(3 126(3 127 (2 128(3) 129(3) 130(3 131(3) 132(3) 133(3) 135(3) 13 6,3) 137(3) 138(3) 139(3) 140(3) 141(3) Amount carried forward. on. O 20.69 4.75 .90 .75 5.15 4.60 5.33 6.75 19.37 50.00 100.00 5.00 30.00 7.50 17.84 28.77* 50.0G1 25.00 100.00 40.00 64.95 15.00 100.00 5.00 25.00 1.20 18.92 19.08 36.20 25.00 5.00 30.00 50.00 30.00 6.59' 42.00 150.00 100.00 8.40 34.40 .72 25.00 25.00 3.65 50.00 50.00 $1,444.31