'.wgunt 1, 3:333 Hon. John K Veils, *r.rec!o, Ton?.a» Dear . r. Valle, .. asked v ;Gra it, . • ringing dit r of t e 8S, for the m of the o;xu__ ga roi’odo v:’:o roo.-ly tsaderstood tho old Spanish history, ho tdlfi-jSe of you. : or a long whilo various little groups hare boon working with -o, quietly <3i0; in- out tho .Vpatiisk history cp:.3ir.lly relating to this Spooleh oath loyao* Hot -I by on-••ous’ivr.nc helping ouch group, or c'-.«h individual, to stlol: to a defined rciglo wo ore getting aoe-xv/iiorc. I hove no dad for some tlos infer. alien out cf 7.arsdo, and oocoeuo to pv. tjuoctiona to on o • xtaions* I know th< great Ipanish trail was thru . I that the trail t:x« Proeidio "W ' del lo ..- ciner. In this . run soim er t most rihtc.a iiichov;,. bribers * oca eta itly sing of the great Caaino Real to exioo ity thru Presidio del Hioj scsac cf the. havo :.t tiie great tooSosunca bay. The D. *.R. :im . orked it thru beaao v;ith granite . arkors. J.-:c Utr-to ■.:.l y.way Depart. cut ’ :ic been directed to reconstruct it. . o the no:A highway : :octiug 7. thin1: you will gc boko contracts lot on this .'■•■■nine loni in northeast Tonus. fat it vu.k thru iarodo the groat oaravcaic, great loaders, groat padres, ;v d official disp "toil riders, traveled aost. Saltillo not on&o/a vtx a control. Offioial dispatches between tho officials in toxss, ie.O. the pudro:; in foxas, and the officials dov.n in curloo -vxiiii very numerous, and thoco ridora end their convoys found their perilous uny over trio trail. 1 po&soss topograph! ‘>1 -ape of bouth ioaas. . y associates on this phase of tills work Iiavo boon supplied with oopioo for their locality. it!: these nape in front ;>:* us -o able to fit in ...any a frogaoat of history th t otherwise eould bo uaro'jogaised sud passed and forgotten. in eonio old Spanish counties v.orkcrs are doing vaich land title and other research. Tho enolcscd lanp io .arked according to well-authenticated nfor.ration. The junotiou point south a-? Jourdanton is not entirely cleared up but wo laiov/ about whore it :rast bo and the I'olhti down there will help ue. I have translation's of old diaries that •Iso help. The is muoh to be cleared up in the Goliad uroc. but tho folks there cire helping). Lairodo should have much that will help and . r. Grunt was quite ccn idont you would hove real sourco infer, ation or would know who would have it and would cooperate. / Too : .any people in ban .fntonio think that booause anta 'ima end so .o lossoao | hod that opic i'iglrt that all ic::ao hlstoiy begins and ondc in that opicodo. gcC“ ontly 0QS2O dear .ladies chidod to for spending oo ra-h title on ’’dirty rpani 'rdo