ldSpanish Trail U(^i. TO CALIFORNIA • S~\ 4^^.«lATH^cp;cmc«.Y / V) )tr^^riJHZ O ld St^is^t^ n CAS 5UASTCJI*. SAM AWTONlOlTKAS A PROBLEM THAT NEEDS SOLUTION The people everywhere want information such as the Old Spanish Trail TRAVELOG now carries. Three editions, 60,000 copies, of the TRAVELOG have been published. Over 500 auto clubs and tourists routing bureaus that direct 10,000-000 people annually keep the TRAVELOGS on distribution. These former editions are exhausted. Letters and telegrams constantly ask for quantity supply and our files are heavy with individual inquiries, for this Headquarters address is known all over the United States. Schools and colleges use them for teaching physical geography and old history—7/e get thousands of letters from students. These publications are steadily "selling" the North on the attractions and progress of these Southern Borderlands. SIX GREAT NATIONAL CONVENTIONS drawing 400,000 visitors are coming the next few months-—THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY AT HOUSTONj THE AMERICAN LEGION, THE GENERAL FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS AND THE JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AT SAN ANTONIOj THE ELKS AND THE MASONS AT FLORIDA. We must urge these people to drive instead of traveling by train. We are arranging with their publicity departments to spread over the country the story of our roads, cities and scenery and are supplying photos of all sections. By driving they will have a pleasant story to carry back home. The Old Spanish Trail now has $70,000,000 of completed work, one-half is paved---it is a new world opened east and west to the American people. WE ALL KNOW THAT MANY COMPETING HIGHWAYS EXIST. Our problem is to draw the travel down into our own country. The TRAVELOG is less expensive than advertising campaigns and it carries complete information to everybody all the time. The clubs and bureaus distributing it cover every State. Travelers go to these clubs and bureaus for information. The TRAVELOG impartially represents all sections and all benefit equitably. To turn it into an advertising book will destroy its usefulness to travelers and advertising solicitors turned loose will lead to waste and dissatisfaction. A REVISED EDITION OF 50,000 copies is immediately needed---and this will average only 100 to each bureau. Will you help us finance the new edition? Your section benefits with the rest. A contribution v/ill help publish this edition. If you would like to get a community message to travelers community pages like those in the present TRAVELOG are liked; they give helpful information. Cost per page, $100.00 Half page $60.00 Quarter page $30.00. We wanted to make a trip across the continent, edit anew all the information, and confer with everyone as to best policies but these conventions create an emergency. If you will help us publish this revised edition at once it will meet this situation then we can make the overland trip later and plan the future publications. March 7, 1928 OLD SPANISH TRAIL ASSOCIATION Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas