Ehoapaon war, given. ~3f caul fumioUod Me ova*. cor, lie collected nciaberalilrw, ami was not bonded. 3!lo service sooaa 0 K Ho was recalled frwi Kl Paso for failuro there tssatx^ammm which appoarsto hsr have !>eon the fault of the office. ftoddrich wan seat out August 15th (after ny return and with apparent effort to avoid ay supervision). Ho was bonded. An Incorrect con'-, tract war, written and r.lgnod, Ihic auch concession at least to reflations, Rcddriok'** worlj is ^rong and will cost ixrobnbiy It 30 to coi’roct. He sas paid ~j5 *■/%’> cois-iisrsion and £iv~n allowance for auto. SSisro is no system, order* regulation or standard followed in fc'ds wort although systems* standards end protective regulations wore in force wlion. I loft. Additionally those non ero actually -m interference with or-o mother, Honey aclts away in oncossivo oonuloslpns end traveling axpcaao», sad the OS'S has not at this tiise the ueaoy Saft in fc&ad to puliilia t-Iio literature needed and promised, or to cowplcto t?io a-.rklug properly* or other service. These collections begrn last Hsrch, The exploitation of the office began shortly after I left. X was kept- la ignorance of the aonoy tliey were obtaining. Frmoiy is a nm with soao sort of •'• contract with Dr, Johnston whore it appears Inport&nt oS'i? i&'iYiXeges hnvo boon given away on sous ;?ort of ui-agreement. Prsnds has been eastward socking nancy In the muse of the "S‘5j this was stopped. There is no resol'd in, the office of the ogrecuent. Ho details have been obtained oxeopt that people sad organisations solicited for noneys have sent copies of contracts and ether hibernation whor-; none/ was agreed upon, to bo paid Horo detailed sports on those subjects will follow. H D A August yp* fjf:-'