SENSITIZED HP HCOTOGiR-AIPt-ilC PRODUCTS FIL ZVY S PAPERS of A mertca , Inc. TELEPHONE COLUM B US -I 1223-4-5-6-7 423-4-39 WEST 55th STREET N EW YORK CITY THIS COMMUNICATION FROM OUR CHICAGO BRANCH 160 E. ILLINOIS STREET TELEPHONES SUPERIOR 7670-7671 Nov. 6, 1933 Mr. Harral Ayres Gunter Hotel San Antonio, Texas Dear Sir: CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO TORONTO MONTREAL Vie acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 3rd and are inclosing herewith catalog issue of our trade magazine The Sensitizer together with condensed descriptive circular on our Ronix self-toning paper. Vie note that you mention a water developing paper whereas Ronix requires printing in sunlight sufficiently deep to bronze the shadows ano then immersion in a solution of ordinary Hyposulphite of Soda and water. The results secured from average negatives are a beautiful sepia tone, preserving all the half-tones anti gradations. V/e are not sure that this method will be adapted for the reproduction of the picture which we note you oesire to distribute commercially. F 0 R P E R F E C T P I C T U R E S We are of the opinion that if the original is in good condition and you can secure an average good negative from same, you will have no difficulty in making satisfactory prints. The cost of Ronix, however, would figure considerably higher than ordinary chloride developing paper and particularly on account of the time consumed by printing in daylight. It might be well to order a small package of Ronix as a trial before deciding definitely on the stock you wish to use. my we remind you that our customer Southwest Photo Supplies Co. of your city will be glad to be of MAIN GEVAERT FACTORIES: ANTWERP, BELGIUM. ESTABLISHED 1894-BRANCHES: LONDON PARIS TURIN MILAN NAPLES BERLIN VIENNA BUDAPEST PRAGUE COPENHAGEN STOCKHOLM MOSCOW THEHAGUE BASEL BARCELONA BUENOS AIRES RIO DE JANEIRO MONTEVIDEO HONGKONG (Say Gay-Vert) JPLATE S CABLE ADDRESS: "G EVA FILM" A.B.C.6tm EDITION WESTERN UNION