PALMER PILLANS. PRCSIDCNT STEWART A. LE BLANC, SccncTAnY HARRY LOCKE. FiCLO EnCINCCR “OLD SPANISH TRAM/’ ASSOCIATION II E ADQUAItTERS. - M O B 3Lfi , A L A B A M A r HIGHWAYh Mobile, Ala., May 10, 1917• V/31ZKLY BULLETIN OF "THU OLD SPANISH TRAIL" ASS00I\TI01h In addition to Officials of "The Old Spanish Trai Association, of ficials of tha "ilorth and South Rational 3e ' Lino Highway" expect to attend‘the Convention at Tallahassee May 18th and 19th* Phis highway affords direct connection from Duluth, Minn, to the "Ocean to Ocean" Highway and will bo a valuable connection. DIRECTORS FLORIDA J. M. CALHOUN J. B. PERKINS V. W. HELM W. M. CORRY ALABAMA CAPT. JOHN CRAFT. VICE-PRESIDENT W. M. CLEMENS DR. MCR. SCHOWALTER. L. C. IRVINE MISSISSIPPI F. H. LEWIS. VICE-PRESIDENT W. H. BOUSLOG W. A. MCDONALD HART CHINN F-’ Rc S* Phillips, "Th? Old Spanish Trail" Convention Secretary, Tallahassee, reports that the following letter has boon Inailed to over one hundr d newspauers in States along the "Trail "You can render a great dervice country if you will assist in he ping LOUISIANA LUCIEN LYONS VICE-PRESIDENT WALTER PARKER W. A. SCHULER W. E. DERMODY ana the tui! destined, in che tarv highway u. ip i:ng oi -'The Old Span'sk Trail" h y near incur to h- /our State interest in ay, which is greatest m.iii* he United r.d* wc States, for 'tyrdir defense. TEXAS HOMER D. MATTHEWS VICE-PRESIDENT MALCOLM A. FRASER NEW MEXICO FRANCIS E. LESTER. VICE-PRESIDENT H. A. LANE ARIZONA HARRY LOCKE. VICE-PRESIDENT WARREN MAC ARTHUFi HARRY WELCH JOHN F. MYERS CALIFORNIA ED. FLETCHER. VICE-PRESIDENT Mr* V/\ M. Emrridei has been appointed General Sup* rvioor of "The Old Spanish Trail" for Florida* Mr. Heriide1* r as been doing come very efficient and go on work in conre cMoy: with "The jld Spanish Trail" ;itn Florida and the above appointment is in recognition of services so rendu reeg are sure it will inset with approval of e/^rybody, '-Tallahassee Convention car makes the following reports in connect j on with present condition of "The Old Shari sh Trail" flew Orleans to Houston;- '’To this end, wc urye you to vo notice in your paper chis . m 'Y ?rv, r,e. he toon during vvar, and in time of peace '/ill Oil".. ’-3 thonsav-'s of toor j.ct 3 ;'o cone in their iutomoc lie s, v-hieh vy.l.ii moan immense benefits to the State, jriLm Yoj.;.* r,o - operation »7::.13. v »ry much approc i ated*