August 18th, 1922. Dear Mr. The following Conn:ttee on Audit and Finance has loon appointed vrith the suggest! -r« that this Comaittee retain some iixm of accountants and business counselors to report on the finances and policies of the Old Spanish Trail Association, which together with your reeoanenduti ns nay constitute a report to the people, and also a guide to Headquarters in its handling of the- funds and interests entrusted to it. Ho such report has heen >ade since the convention at Gulfport in January, 1981. I would also request that you help formulate plans to he submitted to the approaching national Convention In Hove aber for the future a drain- 1st rat ion of this work. She powerful and complete official recognition of the Old Spanish Trail secured at Washington will rie desirable □any changes in our method of adrainii tration. Very truly yours. Hanagi r.g hi roc tor. COXIIBTEK : Kenneth r/imer Leon J. tfnlthall Percy Tyrrell H. T. Matthews I. 3. Stoner