E. B. SHELFER. Pres. W. E. SHELFER. VlCE-PRES L. B ELLINOR, SEC’Y-TREAS ESTABLISHED 1 SHKLMUL it ELUNOR COM?AMY INCORPORATED I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SPECIAL ATTENTIOH GIVEN TO MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS L B. ELLINOR. Manager BUILDING MATERIAL, FARMERS’ SUPFLBES, FERTBLBZEE1S BHIAE1DWARE COTTON AND SYRUP BUYERS WE CARRY IN STOCK- Automobile Tires Ford Ports and Accessories Complete Guono Add Phosphate Ground Phosphate Rock Ground Limestone C. S. Meal Buggies Wagons Form Implements Mowing Machines Stalk Cuttors Oats Drills Lime Sowers Ha>> Rakes Harrows Cultivators Plow Shares Builders’ Hardware Gas Engines Nails Roofing Lumber Shingles Plaster Cement Lime Sash and Doors Common Brick Fire Brick Terra Cotta Pipe Vollej) Tin GalVanized Iron Fence Wire Golden’s Cone Mills Bagging end Tics Harness Paint Paint Brushes Oils Varnish Field Seeds Paris iGreen Twine Syrup Barrels Etc., Etc. Havana, Fla, March 18, 1922. Mr. H. Bo Sjires, Mobile, Alabama. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of March 10th will say that we are very sorry that we will not he able to send a delegate to the conference, due to the fact that our president is ill and J. have a cripple hand, and can not do but Very little writing. Hope however that you will have a large dddX/'/d/&/ attendance and a live meeting, andfcthat lets of good might come from it. With best wishes, I am, Very i?uly yours, Spanish Trail Club, By Si J7f. Secty,