V Mar .1)1 33, 1933 Dear Mrs. Phillips, Hava .yours of 'the 18th. Hone of your people c<*?.e, and son® froB-. West Florida. We ppit the bridge project over; it ia ordered by the highway (lepart»r.esjt ir..t surveys and plane will be in ^raceas «, soon. It was a wonderful conference, crowds and enthusiasm and so wall -or.-taniaed .the oob..- ission had to vote favorably altho they never .intended way such thins. It .la also remarkable that an 8-ssile bridge prject' which had boon relegated to oblivion because of its magnitude, should have been put over in 10 .-ka work. ^ Toe Coasl Boulevard, is also adopted, Pensacola to Hew,Orleans/'and all in that open lined up for it enthusiastically. It will be built nos;. But I don't, under a han.; “reet Florida. Frankly I an/tired of so much hard work raking people lo things, for thei: sblyee • I would like Tallahassee to put or. t. conference for May; it' should bo done; it must be done if the Old Spanish Tral is to bo rniid". alive and existent. It will take workj• it rill cost i'a-llahaasee money. Hut jupt now I an tired and not thinking easily; beside euat got taukto ?ex&B. ' But if Tallahassee•can ao it, it ought to be done. And I arc inolined to think there should oe a little conference first of people eastward ar-a >’eutv;ard to see if they will go to it and stales it a success. The failure of anyone Oast of pensaooia to attend here disturbs ra. Sincerely