Iil). BRYAN RE-ELECTED . PRESIDENT. Important Report of the Legislative Committee j Heard. j L>. P. DicJcjo and \V. «. Hrorv'in I j returned lilt* morning Crum Ktsaim- j -moo, whom limy attended tli« annual • meeting of th-o Central Florida Highway association. They report the i met;llr.Kvnteresiting and most success- • ful in |vory way. T. Ed. Bryan of | Tampa* was re-elected president for j the coming year; F. W. lxcrry, of Fort, j Myers, second vice-president; D. AM , vVliitie y of Pinellas I'ark, first vice-1 ' president, and C. II. Stanford of lvis-| si mm third vice-president. I.. T*. Dickie was named to succeed himself as secretary as well as J. 11. , Beales as treasurer. Reports of officers. Including the report of Secretary Dickie, were hc-ard and approved at tho meeting. 1 Thf. report of the secretary was pul>-1 fished in Thursday's issue of The : Times. The report of the legislative ; committee, an important one, is as • follows; i "Your legislative committee, be- • Moving that it will 'be both interesting and profitable to all members of the Central Florida Highway association at this time to submit a brief r synopsis of legislation pertaining to improved roao bills enacted at tho recent .session of tho legislature, the committee submits the following report: ‘ Senate bill No. 13, which was cn-■ acted into law, amended the act crediting the state road department by | increasing jus powers in several re-: spects. Tho law as amended autho-I rises tho stale road department to J enter into contracts and makes rules /and regulations for the construction and maintenance of such highways and bridges as may bf. placed tinder •fs supervision, vither by law or fesp-r I u lion of any board of county com- "it further gives tho slate roaif do-parimvnt the authority to name certain roads aa-Kiato roads, which are to ire constructed and maintained from funds derived from stato and federal sources and certain other 1 roads to be designated state aid roads to be constructed and maintained )•' frorn funds derived from federal, * state and county sources, but with the proviso that the county must con- t tribute not less than 50 jn»r cent, of I thv total cost of construction and 1 guarantee to provide not less than ' 50 per cent, of the future mainlen- ] Senate bill No. 14, which was on- i acted into law, provides for the for- 1 tnal acceptance of the federal aid 1 fund, as provided for in the federal 1 act. The funds provided by the fed- , era! government are pro rated as foi- ‘ lows: One-third on a basis of popu-j 1 lation. one-third on a basis of area- ( of the state, and* one-third on a basis’ 1 of mileage of Jt. F. D. Federal funds) available for 101G arc $5G,000; 1917, f' $112,000; 1916, $148,000; 1919. $224.- r 000, and 1920, $280,000, making In all approximately $S10,000 during these years. "This law also provides for a one-half mill levy for tho ensuing two years to meet the federal aid appropriation for the years-191G, 1917 and i 1918. g This one-half mill levy will net approximately $140,000 per an- 1 num. which will full short of meeting i the federal aid fund by approximate- I ly $28,000 per annum. This deficit fl tvlU be^madc up partly by working I uncle a into 'aw. provides'that 30oblles, which I " 1 bc Paid into the office of the ■ comptroller at Tallahassee. The rate I on all cars carrying not more than fivo I h«fnnCrB 5s SG* cara carrying more I than five passengers and having u I horsepower of more than twenty-five I pay according to a sliding scale, which I reaches a maximum of ?::0. ■ '•This license tax becomes duo and is I payable January 1 of each year he- I ginning with January 1. iyi« The I three months from October io the end I of the current year will bo collected I by the counties, the same ns hereto- I iderlvefffroni'eih,,0r Tnim ,of tho funds I jut mod fiom the automobile license is I in^o«ho tSlS?K- th° Coam,?H accord- I 'county and la expended underYhe sUito I of st itlTand,1*»nVt lho h'aintenance I oi suite and state aid roads. It is nro- I tided, however, that whore no state I ■bo He!r..road8. oxl8!,* lll,s found may I :ln a r con8lr“l,lion Purposes i n- I vV.r i ..iUcnanco fund has been nro I ^vldod.__Ihe remaining 15 per centos c| et aside for the overhead expenses •f the state road department. ‘‘TTiis law also provides for certain rathe regulation. among which is a 'revision relative to :iho use of dim-n?Ts‘ wnlch must bc applied before ’chicles travelling in the opposite di-eciion approach each other within _ This law also provides that n«*a