CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOL Telegram Day Letter Blue flight Message Nlte Niqht Letter N L II none of these three symbols appears after the check (number of words) this is a tclcoram. Othcr-wiseits character is indicated by the symbol appearing sftcr the cheek. NEWCOP^B CARLTON, president GEORGE W. E. ATKINS, FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT CLASS CF SERVICE SYMBOL Tcloqram Day Letter 3!ue Might Message Mite Night Letter ri L If none of these three symbols appears after the check (number of words) this is a tclcoram. Other-wiscits character is indicated by the symbol appearino after (lie cheek. RECEIVED AT 103 ST. FRAfMCIS ST., RflOBILE, ALA., i922 MAY 4 PM 4 40 aN 17 A344a MILTON FLO 427P 4 H B AYRES 402 BATTLE HOUSE MOBILE ALA COUNTER ATTRACTIONS HERE TODAY AND TOMORROW JEOPARDIZES SUCCESS OF TRAIL MEETING MAKING GOOD PROGRESS IN MEMBERSHIP DRUPE C H SIMPSON