Apr i 1 ItS t 188 4 Mr. John G. Kicholson, President Meridian Highway. Doar Mr. ftioholson,- Yours 7th received- Read your printed report with interest. I am afraid I was remiss in not asking you to have so .mons present at the r.ero milestone dedication. Colp of course would have been impossible; perhaps that is why no thought was giver, to the Meridian. The stone is also on the route to Laredo; it is at the historical aero point of ell important reads in south Texas. Colp seems to everywhere around south Texas on the Glacier to Gulf Highway work. That is something new in highways. Thru Texas he stole routes of other highways and marked them Glacier to Gulf. They wobble around, perhaps wherever a bit of money is possible. That's his type. He does have a rare facility for puttirg over bond issues, and t.mis gives him recognition in many quarters. I can understand his methods with you. He has to live, and he is all the time trying to tear someone down in order to get somethi rig for iii iiself. nothing has been done by us respec ting Mexico. Golp's wreckage of the Texas Old Spanhish Trail work has given us about ail we con handle for a while restoring credit and morale. Appreciate your letter, end wish you success. Sincerely, 03T Managing DireolD