16 52 I-03 Paetorea. (.-.he Spanish festivals reflect the 7aith, the Romance, the '-'oiks of that pioneer period. The material is at 'an Antonio for a great Christmas-tins festival, to natch the "lesion flay of California, the Fiestas at Santa Fc and Albuqucrgue, and the Frtfnch ardi Ciras at Dew Orleans, and there are many in San Antonio awaiting only leadership. 1 have been gathering data on this.) 55 Place-name meanings, Saint Augustine to San Diego. (’oat of the rivers and many of the geographical sub-divisione, and States and. Cities, thru those Southern Borderlands, carry Spanish or French place-names, or corruptions in Spanish or French of Indian names. "niversities and individuals have cooperated with -■« for years in defining those, and this compilation is carrying, quite naturally, the interwoven history from the Atlantic to the Pacific and the romance of the colonizing years.) NOTE. There are other individual studies, independent of no. «e are 5.n personal contact. Those studies are as important S3 anything I have conducted or encouraged. These will tie in with the rest, and most helpfully, when we are organized as we should fee. There are phases demanding exploration and study not yet oven torched, and-there arc studies going on with energies being wasted because the individuals lack good guidance. ’ City with one great history period has an interesting heritage; Dan Antonio has three great history periods: 1 The Spanish pioneer and mission period. 2 hat period of turmoil and conflict between the secularization of the missions and the Independence of Texas. a,„, 5 Texas Var of Independence and the pioneering tf> the ns ;- rae There never will be on orderly history of uan .ntonio until an Antonio has an institution to develop it in an orderly way.