n r Kb >■; - ./• vr© 4, gna had boon *m>vt away by th© tomato flood. ”ho fflorldft }>©-pn’S’' 'at iVi'J l;spt filth; their ^onei drov© piles night rad day, temporary bridges wor© in place tho motoread© passed without lorn? of time by trouble* A hit Xf'-toy the choattir/hatchou Hives* nun reached ©md there the town off Garyvill© «b# swept ewey. again the Rond .dopert-jant had tonpo-mwy bridges its plfveoo ffhe dispatch with vrHioh than© sown or eight piling bridges b>.d boon ©onar.stictod drmv forth complimento fron ©veryor*©, CbItfoasUaiis ■ : rr-rticmlriy, mho h-:d 'no:: r’ viounly loft ’on j]-:":o" frankly facing ' ho fr.ct that uniumnl floods \;yjo ra/gisi© in this emotion, nb>su the motor lam ossa up with the son Antonio delegation, raid v-hoy observed th© Hod (irons rofugo® o-mqp, they unloaded their eases off shrimp and oysters that Bourns had given then and drove on happily repaid with the gratitude of the refugeas* ffArlsima, liio, wss ranched at 0:00 v-'a on schedule. Vhe dinner thoro was provided ©y the city con-mission of until ten thnt Bight Gh: aijh dolighGiUl -K ' ssilt-y v;:!':h G o:u; people ::m ptaoag oursolvos nvoniifl those tables* 11wood Bailey, tho Calf .Coral** leader, preoided ::v ff.’: ■..■/, • ■• ■ bbbest oano in vis© ho*-»su< were billed at }2,00 each. All along tho v;sy .? sms ffroeuontly in the escort ears; I oennet detail all the co escorts ■ nd gr ootinga* Before reaching ffariaann I as lend one off shnao s&covt ffrioaGc to go or. tiTrough to t'ullahaase© and for a ree-ip'ion by the Govoxmv nfc tho capital. 2he logieletum was orgmislag the morning tsc wore due to Tt v.- a e difficult period for tho Governor* .7n© -Alllirraa of Shipley, ^a. * quiofely stopped from tho escort or.--: into hia big roadster nni slnrtrd for ^alujiBOMo. ?2io nos* morning Marianne. wars loft bright and early* hitches hi-.a boon sot tot-ok mo hour for tin© changed at the river, Kyos wore almipy th'vt raornln.-•?• ffeeorta carried thorn ci‘k caoert hnci saet at the aawftiuuw ">wr, the old nong "Suwsoio© Hiver'* w*» aimg ogaln ;nid again. totalde of Jacksonville the Mayor, the Chamber of Co s ero? raid tho r*otor JiCJ-iguo offfio.lPlo s - ml traffic officore awnitod. ’ ‘ho motorande s.ta thus esoortod through rTftok»3t»ivillo us it had bo n through si\\ aitiuu. fflsoa through .lacksonviUo tho 3t. :^*atine eeoert »et u» end we were thus oondubtod v/ith flug-bedockod autoaobiloB to et. uguatino ©nd mml «,<» wait i« nlnutos to avoid going into Jt. Aug»iatin»* ahead of tine. With bunds and tho VIof trsimnet'? and th© colorful coatuaws of tho festival in nre-rreas wo tln*oadod through the old, :-aiwo» otroota ©f