I- Tiber I, \9V.u THH KW oITUATIlH •Last, Monday I published the enclosed It. the 1X1.1' ■That X didn't publish 'yra.a this: Instead of ubivhch. of solicitors oat ins up money I taught thp -.chambers of 'commerce, the auto clubs;, Rotary, Xiuanin, Givi tan, Optimists; and others, tlr.--t this hiphwuy '.sun their hl-pwn:.y and if they wand ed the work to £o °n THEY must see that the .people financed it. ■All theso'-organisations from Icnsacola to lev; Orleans'; accept. this. fin civic presidents in Mobile met me and pledged me. to .lead.a too day tour to the Louisiana state lino, vrhile I cano to fan Antonio. Auv-. ust 82, 23 all the LOADERS of r,ll the towns. pnthrrod together, and also vent with one another on the tour. newspaper reports {non bolap . put in a-scrap.bookV- sbov; it va.-:- tve dt.yu: of remark'.ole work. ,Senator fat Harrison has■introduced in the Senate7a resolution, for the ’far Mopartuont to report-oh all bridges needed, He will fi£h .that thru. Ar, to finances, all towns underwrote' their quota for 031 onpenses. This'money is now 30in,3 in an.;eastern bank. .Additionally,' the Akruber of Oouuoroo of Pensacola h voted to raise ]ij>00 and other hasf Florida towns will follow that 1. 1. These are not mere promises? ■ but "paper pool ?.t the bank" os one :sv; Orleans paper put if. Moreover, all.eastern expenses since January X are paid, Ho bill are. due. Ir35 ,’'795 wore sent to. hr Antonio,- and thenTashinpton work was paid by the East, not a -dollar of .ho?.? coming from th.o Antonio' Headquarters. That's the Eastern situation-financed and with their acknowledged atrp.itlag our continued leadership. H 3 A Sept. 1 1922