f /' 0‘f Oiu-maiUo A KLIP OUT TO OLD LTAHILE BRAIL OP TD'DIS ;>-'g y ■ • ; ■ *: ,'r ^ m w'-‘ i ■ ’ . ' ’ . ' i • * By the snd of 192o the people we: e fcching the vision oi a great highway, and financial support ras increasing. Then cam IS21 with its financial depression, memories of which are still in j hearts of all business men. There was little money or thought for a distant headquarters of a far-flung project like this. The work was kept alive and growing thru 1921 because the managing Director gave all his time ana drew but "'750 00 for services, and merchants in San Antonio gave credits v.'hon the; couldn't give cash. In the fail of 1921 h., :n'war., weathered, moneys began to cone in, accounts were being reduced, and 1922 -..'as at hand with membership-renewals due and the prestige of clean conduct to assure adequate inop e f all proper purj ses# and for thos ierohants and men whose good-will, had saved the ?rk. Hew memberships, too, were expected in coneiderabl . volume, for the constant efforts to unify interest from the Atlantic to the iaeifie was having its effect, and support.was broadening. The marking in Texas, exceeding a thousand miles, had been • :.ccompliehed in the midst of the general depression., and less than tMs a t\ •yil remained to reach at. ..ugustino• with-' ;k.conditions 19 put it over. One hundred and bu p aiie sin'< r to'be rked in ' eras y-and some, sections . a ‘ ;1 imp *.ng, Time . . ripe f aumpapand rjrvioo t nd this was planned in December 192i for early attention in 1922. The year 1922 promised easy and important progress, and this faith is -gmaaml by the memberships signed this year, and rhe moneys secured for the travel-service maps. LAST FIMHCLi V/GRII THS3B -n.L -*T b„.3HIl:0TCi: Leaving all these asset-values to the San Lntonio office for current expenses and for the payment of the standing accounts, with understandings that new work should supply its own costs, Mid asking ho moneys for himself, the ' anuging Director left January 2, 1922 for the Last where conditions were keeping the project a broken and unrecognised highway. There was no organization in the Last, The eastern road-building .■■11,. ■ hard. . Ltato highway :a.ps wave Icing pr .... ■ .1 f-.r the -federal Load Lureau v/ith sections of tl.^ Old Spanish Trail net included, or else included with important section LL,d\ 1 ■ - i Indifference" greeted the Tanaging Director at first, then those . agio rallied rifl ■ jarnsr, kwst!• . 1 a Do: La : ■ Corf me . ..... a held at mobile*, and _ greater one planned for 1923. The Lastv''14»» was suvolying funds foHexpensive work administrative work, then it supplied the funds for the LSanaging Director's work at Washington where the Old Spanish Trail was finally placed on all state maps for primary attention and as a part of the federal system -- and where the ,‘ar depart'.oont ..ops and the OST system were brought into accord and a statement issued by the Par - e>a d. ent thet this Ii i g .. „ y • • 1 o* ■ ■ ;i ■ ' u. o. a uart of the plans for national defense — and vd.sre senators . sou pi ■ men and other national leaders joined in declarations asserting ihe secondary rating. federal aid was denied pn an , r .1 : - tv: