celling p. single print. This may he had business philosophy. At any rate, I have had a thousand dollars worth of my prints sold by Collins and ££11 am Galleries, and privately. The Habct hoy? have never sold a single one. This is not in any spirit of criticism. I like them, and we are very good friends. I am glad to hear of DOT’S success. We are glad of it. His age and experience entitle him to consideration. V.e were sorry not to ha.ve had the pleasure of entertaining him this past summer, on hi? way hack from Massachusetts to Texe.s. “Jy the enclose you will see that we Floridahed this winter. In our car again we have our publishing plant. And we get a lot of fun gypsying around. Have not heard from Mrs. Drought for a long while, and, hearing indirectly, as thru you, the,t things are still going on as of yore, we are contented in a way. J-f you ever use vjiy of my prints, send me a. circular in which they appear, and I shall appreciate same very much. 'with every good wish for you, i remain, with Mrs. Wall, Aver sincerely yours,