May 15,1917. Mr.Stewart a.lo Blanc, Secretary, "OJdJ Spanish frail" Association, Mobile ,Ala. Dear Sir:— Vie are greatly interested in tne Old Spanish Trail and have tried in many ways to give it publicity in our first two issues of "GOOD ROADS ID FLORIDA" 'out have oeen sadly handicapped ay being unable to get authentic information and we dont want to print "hearsay" stuff aaout a road. V/e have finally gotten a very short story out of Hr .J.D.Smith of Marianna which we are going to try to amplify and print next month ’out we would like very much to have your cooperation and you may rest assured that we will give the Old Spanish Trail as much good publicity as if it began in Jacksonville,ran around JacksonvilSt ana came back here to rest—v/e are not boosting any one road or county—we’re what our name implies, booster f Jr All Roads in Florida. The writer hopes to be in Tallahassee Friday and Saturday but business might make it impossible. can you furnish us with manuscript of some of tne best made there so tnat we may pdolish them? Very truly yours, l;d it or /GOOD ROADS IN FLORIDA THE LIVEST ROAD MAGAZINE IN THE SOUTH ’—$ 1.00 PER VEAR 224 E. FORSYTH STREET Jacksonville. Florida