Monday Afteknoon OPENING SESSION—2:00 P. M. At....................... John M. Parker, Governor of Louisiana, Presiding (if he will). Opening addresses and formalities. 2:30 P. M. Address: The Southern Borderlands the Nation’s Playground, by Gov. Pat Neff, Texas (if he will). (To include discussion of the Texas OST movement for Park and Game Reserves). 3:15 P. M. Address: The Need of Assisting in National Defense, By Sec. Weeks or General Pershing (if possible). ADMINISTRATION QUESTIONS—4:00 P. M. Mr........................Presiding National Report by the Managing Director. Announcement of the rules for the Convention Appointment of Committees: Legislation. Nominations and Election. Place of Next Convention. Resolutions. Credentials (only members in good standing can vote in the election). Submission of proposed budget plan for income and expense by Kenneth Winter, Chairman, San Antonio Executive Committee. Action reserved for Wednesday afternoon session. Submission of proposed amendments to the constitution by W. E. Lea, OST Vice-President. Orange, Texas, on behalf the Board of Directors. Action reserved for Wednesday afternoon session. Introduction of resolutions and reference to committees. Introduction of other business. Announcements. Adjournment. «■ sr Monday Evening (New Orleans Entertainment Committee) MHlUHMliUUWPNBS