STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT OF ALABAMA ALABAMA. Montgomery, 4-17-17 [rs Florence R. S. Phillips, Secretary Boosters Club Tallahassee, Fla Dear Frs. Phillips: I appreciate very much indeed your most cordial invitation to attend the Third Annual Convention of the Old Spanish Trails Association. Nothing would please me more than to come, but my first duty is to the State Highway Department of Alabama and the addition of Federal Aid this year, makes it almost impossible for me to accept invitations to speak. I can see no possible chance of my being able to accept your invitation. A-ssuring you of my best wishes for the success of the Association, I am. commissioners: ROBERT E.SPRAGINS,Chairman. Huntsville.4la. JOHN CRAFT. Mobile, Ala. J.B.RYLANCE, Dadeville. Ala. Dr.E. A.SMITH, University. Ala. Prof.G N. MITCHAM, Auburn, Ala. W.S.KELLER, Engineer. Montgomery, Ala. Yours vsry t/uly, St at e Hi gfr?ay‘llngi neer