’’ft TP Tint on,-------------------n 100.00 Welsh,------------------------ 100.00 Jearnings,----------------— 200.00 Mermentau,------------------— 22.00 Payne,—-— ----------------- 100.00 Duaon,-—------------ —------ 25.00 Soott,---------------—------- 20.00 Lafayette, —------------- —• 100.00 Hew T&eria,----------------- 125.00 Berwick,-------------------— 100.00 Houma,-------- -.............. 250.00 St. Martlnvilie,---------- — 200.00 Soraittad to •■TS"? Headquarters,------------ 01042.00 -81050.00 2ho quotas voted at the Lafayette meeting totaled about 85500 for the last half of 1928. fho vl050 paid does not represent even a reasonable payment toward the office overhead and the field expenses for Louisiana for 1928. It means nothing toward the motorcade and the St. Augustine celebration, or toward travelog costs, or toward tho northern publicity work,or othor important, activities the latter part of 1928 and the present 1929. TjOOXSTAHfl MABBK3H! — nUGHJSl 1920 to WiY 1929. Gash Collected fcy the Louisiana Division as Reported to -iSl' Headquarters,