ost-2 alivo to travel development mode as arc the people of these old established routes. St.. Augustine, Elorida Is’ building a :iommont to the Ola Spanish Trail, be wont to mate that dedication national in - scope so the ivholo world say Idiov; of the 01-1 Spanish Trail and its hospital)!© people and country! ’ ;p-;; Spanish Govor marit through its King and i^oaibs has appointed official roproaentativoa. to that dedication. .#© had planned’for the. Californian?) i'f start a motorcade froa San 3)iogo.. Obviously such a motorcade would vitalize interest and hundzods of care would tioin all along tho nay. A .•zapveaentative and informed 33©up would sauch Mt» Augustine'. ■ Tho convention could ho hold in connection vrith that in tea national dedication. St. Augustine-has. pz onisod $£5,000' fox that (lodloation and its historical pageantry, tho city and county assisting with Appropriations from the advertising fund. The St. Augustine finto was fl::el april 1029,, thy date -of. discovery 03?. Plorida by Ponce do .'loon. 'Jut Apptetx:Mtefi the Californians and westerners ax© to go on tho it second- motorcade t o Hot Springs in April 1929. Po do not yet know how these oonplioutlone e.xo to ha handled. tfa aa.u however through the State units tab©'- base of State and yogional interests and load up- in some -./ay to a sepx-osontar.i ve dedication and convention. Soao readjustment of data; nay to possible. Incidentally the 33eat aproud aoroos the continent of tho jtoblena of this one -interest illustrates something- of tho difficulties of .oaotoatlon this h8C? ps ojoat Involves. 'the travel development plans etibsaae: SUySjiOSS''. Those have bo on dovelaying since 1922. . Our associated distributing buzbaus -vte club?; cover the- If..is, and Canada and route ova® 10,000,000 traveler’s annually. 35,900• travelogs,have boon distributed this xjast season. PALL I1A.?>3. Over 10,000 iithographedrhave boon distributed; those now are out of date. She Hoad-Condition hap is how popular: many have been sent to anothera routing bureau^ lOot? n.orb should be issued, for 1929 those Taaps should also include the -train traveled routes from tbs Horth. -S83M0I5T. This io quite eontinaono in national nagaaines and auv/spapors, national headquarters supplies data, human intorest material, photos otc.. Many organisations and traitors are usod in this wort. HBMAKIHG H.A9I0HAI, ROAD MASS. Host national naps are still inooniplets suspecting southern roads. The oaaufactures »> aro slow making now ong« gravings but through our own headquarters and our connections those changes are being slowly maun. These maps are out everywhere and travel** ©S3 are influenced by then. Recently uq hud the edition of a largo oil company voided; now map plates nro being rjafio. HISTORICAL SIGJJIuO. Designs in undent Spanish art, historical in opposition, are being made for display for nordbers, businesses and other a c i’ho rich red and gold color a will bo doralnani rich. Members will bo proud and travelers i’ho old Spanish art is v/Ij.1 bo pleased.