4 in hay I learned c..at lot'';erheads \.\jre printed without ^jay nouse us laauurinv; director on tneai, hub v/iti. these eap-lcyaes curried at the top . I thereupon roturna.-. to Sun Antonio, hay- 10—24, lcny uio-uu-. to compel restoration of ay uaue on one letterheads, and any other printing, and the ntOiiee .of eaployeee, if prints! ut all, to be placed properly. Other things iuU-at needs suit for I .. . a J. as in J&cEacuvillo, then at' V'ash'i'ngton. I no.; rial that in the period of ay absence the Sat; Antonio b has received T730C'00 Only .ft- vas tai.. on.-rent account, and essentially nctninj on otb.»r i..pertaut aoc.ru*:s. These other creditors v;oro piven iuy eastern a„drocs be ..rite to : e. An audit is beiua aic.de f of those accounts. Also olysia : f uxarncaau bisburscuonts. h. 3. A August *S; let2