Tloverabar AS, 12 "2 Lie, Saunath V/imor, Chairman Executive Commitboe, Old Spanish frail Assoc?iatioh. Dear-fir. Chair man, - Inasmuch as the President tan not been accessible for a meeting rinse Oct oh or 50 tu, anii the sets of. feat mooting wars understood to earrj "until Eoveniber 7th, I want to urge that you fix‘at onco a meeting to he held whether the -resident is present or not, end thatyou act on the foilcs?lag. Over /’Three months have passed since a oltlaoas eouMiiit'e© was appointed to find waps to correct objectionable cauditions and protect the needle* and the record since is a series of efforts tic Pra^xlient attend meetings and. oooperate to correct things-. fhese problrms roast bo faced, complex and diffiooit as fes.y are* ifeo samtimrixaticri will help indicate tho fail signifiesuiGy of the situation, Shis mosmirIs®tion viewed in the face of the fact that this Gan Antonio office has had and spent over 011,000 00 since January 1st (tho tin© j&m j ^m'gtogg^±a35ss±a3e left Sot the Just) and that 04000 00 has seen gathered from the people fed dissipated while v/cs have; been trying to correct conditions, and feat other states than H.cixas are being' threatened with this sort cf feiiig, is sufficient to show that San Antonio retest act v;;lth dec icon, or the Directors and members mabt have xhs faot;i0 is a responsible officer this is my position. a closed eifica and fee «fcr& proceedbug under local leaders 'will bo fairer -&han a c oatlntuince of phase conditions! Shis outline of problems is discouraging. J'aay feoas-.nde of dollars arc needed® The treasury as you baew stays empty. -Ihe facts are fully established, and fee costs of Johnston’s and Colp’s blundering and va and Information, for vh I eh some '.G000 have been collected, nod spent. 6. Plan for bcokfeceoper tn try to write up rha ocooruts «n-X furnish a complyto •“•jja’.juolai statement. liust begin at rqry5.1 or itrch, 7*, Plan to secure funds, or make busi-uoas -lika provisioiia, for fee payment of the san Antonio end other creditors, and for unpaid services properly duo. Direct liabilities exceed 73000; contingent liabilities uncortair „