t # -2- ■bear the number of the Permit authorizing its erection, end such number shall be naintod in figures not less than two and one-half (££•) inches in height, upon and in the following named parts of such billboards and signs: Poster Boards,—on the top moulding, at tbo loft hand end* Painted Boards,--in the Sower loft hand corner* Signs erected on a single post,--on the face of the post under the sign* P* Application for Permits under this sect5on .hr.11 be accompanied by a fee of two (8) dollars, to bo known as the examination foe* Upon the issuance of a Permit an additional fee of two (2) dollars, to bo known as the insoection fee, shall be paid by the permittee ’within ten (10) days from tho date of the permit* G* All Permits granted- under this section shall expire Juno C50 next follov/jn. the late thereof, unless sooner revoked by the Division* .'Pi section :'-:l )lication for the renewal of a ^ormit granted under this i made not T iter than thirty (30) days prior tc the expiration of such ^orait, and hall he Rceorrwnierl by a fee of two (2) o >o in ovai vhe re:levn :.l :.ee >0n til uni: Ci a Permit in renewal a;i add: t: o?ir;l fee of tv/o (2) dollars to be knovm as the renewal :1ns -action lot. , 'ah:-.11 bo v.id by r,ke permittee within ten (10) days from the d -e r. the receipt the Permit in renewal * la The a* on • : ; avos the right to revoke for cause a. Permit granted by 51 under t' o orovisiens of t.hic. section* ■ ’ a - ; rertieing devices erected J* 111 I) i 11': o f. r d under tho orovia 'oa:: (90) day:- a:-on tho date o: which they acre erected* o -’ or iOj ,. j. • on shall ho removed within ninety expire t.1on or vov ocatiou o' V'iO s under Section 3* Pe: ii to tags o:. on f d o o: - d v •- • rt i i: inr* :.n ao business No person, 'i: •• setion o: o ’:oi i on carrying on t. a •4r-a - oo r v;lic park or " ©rvation i ny '• • , i . • - er • • .rti.si ig device, except a. s herein*: a t n r nrc v i d o d * B* no billboard, :i : or other advertising device shell be posted, orectod, or displayed on f :iy property until v.n rrorli cation has been filed with the Division, a remit therefor granted b; the Division, and the consent of tho owner thereof, or the tenant, lias boon obtained* C* Applications under this section shall bo aado on luris furnished by the Division* Do Permits granted under this section may bo either permanent 03: temporary:- (1) Permanent'Bern!ts may be granted under the various provisions of Section 2* (2) temporary Permits may allow the posting, erection, display or maintenance of signs or other advertising devices for such period as the Division may prescribe* A foe of one (1) dollar will be charged for Permits issued under this section, with an additional charge cf one cent for a period of thirty (15) days for every seven (7) square feet or fraction thereof, provided, however, that signs or other advertising devices under seven (7) square feet in area shall be considered as having an area of seven (7) square feet for the purpose of computing the additional charge to be made under the Permit, and only one sign or other advertising sun device containing the same advertising matter shall be placed on the same structure* Tho locations for all signs 03’ other advertising devices to be erected or posted under the provisions of thin section, shall be subject to approval by tho Mayor .-md Aldermen, if in l city, and the Board of Selectmen, if in a town* B* All ciync or other advertising devices posted, erected, displayed or maintained under a temporary Permit shall be removed by the permittee not later than fourteen (11) days from the expiration of such Permit* F* The 'Division 1 aserve3 the vi it to revoke for cause a Permit issued hy it under tho provisions of this section* footion 4* Locations* A* No outdoor advertising will bo permitted within tho limits o± any public way except n :reviled in .Section 8 of OJmpter 35 or u/ie General Laws* B* No permits will bo issued for outdoor advertising an aoiy -ooat ion which is within three hundred (500) foot o f any public P