oionsn painted with crosses dosigLr*tto3 tho itoits.«? the first nice ion of sspa&a, It o:v.!fj to. a > ,ottc of 31 ca&sfcaclao) to tho chape eff a flcoer pot (mo'/cr.)« la ascended froe r. "j'gjg Mll(lc/:a)«. Sam this,"another nosmiito ©?oyo oHotoo and eoatlnnoo to ths rhrcsN At 1:30 -jo arslvad at the ?■Tefl-toa a Ivor boundary of the prevtoeo o’ tterosasd Coohito. Ye passed it dry, although there ere pools of T?.vta» at totarwsls. She banlcs- of this ri-jor aro so steep that on occasion it :io pccaasary to. ascend' then on feet* suspended by a ecsnl £fci:i tie tqp. Vo passed then withoat ftis difficulty, Houovorj end stopped on tlio opposite- baaSc lato:Htop to spend the r.tght. Eh© eauntrpiGa viih -as Silled a bear. ' 'o decided to rp on to Y’spadr. and arrived there at 3:20 hovisg trsvolod 11 lo-. £iioo, 0 H. V. end G north.