Mr. Dickie- moves motion be amended as follows: 1. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the Central Florida Higlnvav Association offers to "The Old Spanish • Trail Association" a road from Tallahassee to Tampa, tiie logical terminus of "The Old Spanish Trail," via Lake City. Gainesville, Ocala. Dmielton, Florida City. Llrooks-ville and Tarpon Springs. Mr. Lyons moves further amendment as follows: 5. HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the route selected by the DirectmAi pach State he official, but it is understood and madfejt iart of tliis official designation that the road must actually he built and constructed within------------------(months or years, a period to be determined by the State Directors in question and reported to the General Hoard of Directors upon designation of the State route.) If the road is not built and constructed to a reasonable degree within the said time, the official designation of the route shall immediately revert to the control of the Hoard of Directors of "The Old Spanish Trail Association" as a whole and that they at their discretion, may re-route the highway through the territory affected. it is also understood and made a part of the official designation that a failure to maintain the road in any particular territory may be also a reason for the designation of the rcut to revert to the control of the Board of Directors of the Old Spanish Trail Association as a whole, to be dealt with by them, at their discretion, as in the foregoing paragraph i rovided for. On the vote the original motion anti all amendments carried. 1 Mr. Appleyard moves that Chairman appoint committee ol' five on Constitution and By-Laws, to consist of one representative from each State. Carried. Chairman appoints'M r. Lyons. •Mr. Locke.'Mr. Calhorn and Mr. Dix. Mississippi delegates not having arrived yet. A.Mr. llerrider moves that "The Old Spanish Trail” convention endorse Baldwin County bond issue. Mr. Gilmer moves, that motion be amended to endorse both bond issues. Motion carried in amended form as follows: RESOLVED, That "The Old Spanish Trail Association," in convention assembled at Mobile, mosi heartily endorse both the good roads bond issues to lie presented to the voters of Baldwin County, Alabama, on January IS. 1910. -Mr. Appleyard moves we express our desire to affiliate with the National Highways Association and Secretary be authorized to take steps toward achieving such end. Carried. Mr. L. -I. Btigg moves: RESOLVED, That we favor of federal aid to good roads. a definite and fixed policy Seconded. Carried. 4- Mr. Clemons invites delegates on informal auto ride at close of convention. Mr. Lyons, Chairman committee on Constitution and By-Laws. makes report for committee. (See appendix.) /Mr. Appleyard moves adoption of report. Carried. ('apt. Craft moves President. Officers and Directors at earliest convenience proceed to incorporate the Association. Seconded. Carried. Mr. Gilmer moves enrollment. -Mr. llerrider moved this body Recommend for consideration of Directors, .J. A. Kmmctt its Field Secretary. Carried. Senator Watson moves each Stale represented at conven-titon now appoint Vice President and. Executive Committee of three from each State. Carried. Florida names XV, M. Curry. Quincy; L. 1'. Dickie. Tampa; R. M. Cary. Pensacola; ■ I. M. Calhoun, Vice President, Marianna. -Arizona, 'Harry Locke. Louisiana.names Lucien ,E. Lyons, Jr.. Vice President; I’. M. Milner. W. A. Sluder.'AY. K. Dermody'. Mississippi names G. W Grayson, Vice President; Frank II. Lewis. Pascagoula: G. M. Foote. Gulfport: II. Weston. Log-town.. Mr. Lyons moves vote of thanks to Mobile for splendid reception. Mr. llerrider moves Secretary lie authorized to print as many copies of minutes its lie thinks advisable and distribute them. Carried. -Alabama names-Capt. John Craft. Vice President; \\ . M. Clemens. V. McR. Sliowaiter,'T;. C. Irvine. Mr. Appleyard moves: RESOLVED. That this Association respectfully requests the Stales of Texas, New .Mexico and California to join with this Association; and that the Executive Committee take such steps as will secure representation in its body front those States. Seconded and carried. Mr. Dobson, on behalf of Pensacola, invited next convention to lie held at Pensacola, Capt. Craft moved to accept invitation. Seconded. Carried. Senator Watson moves meeting stand adjourned at 12:25. ('a fried. At 12:25 convention adjourned sine die.