Ij^SSACHUSETTS FEDERATION OF PLakNTN^.. ,,. liave an article inserted in the warrant • amend the by-laws as recommended in their report^ t0 ond, to appear before the town advisory committee Sn get its approval; and third, to be nremiwlDA ul tlie matter well at town meeting. WheS. the1 by-law has been adopted by the toAvn, an attested copy with a statement of the town’s action upon it, signed by the town clerk, must be sent to the attorney general’s office for his approval. As soon as that is received, the by-law must be published in the town as required by the General Laws; and the planning board should see to it also that a copy thereof, attested by the town clerk, is sent to the Division of Highways of the Department of Public Works at the state house. Lastly, our executive board will appreciate the favor if the planning board will send a copy, not necessarily attested, to the Executive Secretary of the Federation of Planning Boards, in care of the Division of Housing and Town Planning, Department of Public Welfare, State House, Boston. In regard to the enforcement of bill board restrictions, the position of municipalities in Massachusetts, as well as that of the state authorities, has been immensely improved by the adoption this year of the amendment printed herein as section 30-A of chapter 93 of the General Laws, which defines as a nuisance any out door advertising device not permitted under the state regulations, and extends the application of the law, giving local boards of health power to cause the removal ot nuisances, to a nuisance as therein defined. The provisions of the nuisance law referred to are printed in lull on page 40 of Bulletin No. 9. The sufferers from the bill board nuisance are much more interested in the removal of offensive bill bo than they are in the punishment of their owners, an th provision puts a prompt remedy in the hands of the local authorities who desire to use it. 1 The practice of ‘£sniping,’’ as the tadkinggand p;as^ J ing up of illegal signs is commonly^cane^^hy gvery ceive attention. In some paits . , , w these petty f blank wall, fence and post is a]?propri wause their deeds sharks, who often work m the mgh , ®rations furnish > are evil.” Board Avails around buildm0 op 11ASSAcHUSETTS FEDERATION of planning boards ID •tunities that are especially appreciated by theatres opli°movie shoAVS, Avhile too frequently even candidates alld ffices whose incumbents are savoiti to suport the f°r OI\,e among the offenders. Such snipers seldom se-laW?permission from anybody for their postings; any-£• so placed may be torn doAvn by anybody, and, for tU Potent violators, a trip to court and a personal mtrb-hction by the judge to section 33 of chapter 93 of the rvneral Laws Avould be educational. Havin«- secured, apparently, all the state laAv needed in Massachusetts, our members may now devote their efforts to securing local laws and their enforcement, where the prospects are interesting and hopeful.