FLORI DA-TEXAS TRAVEL OVERTHE . THE GREAT HISTORIC HIGHWAY ACROSS THE £tt^^*-^lVf-»HEADQUARTERS GUNTER HOTEL :J ; j OLD SPANISH TRAIL MEXICO-CALIFORNpU ^ SUNNY SOUTH ANDTHROUGHTHE GREAT SOUTHWEST" San Antonio. Texas. Last .Year you paid I'or map advertising service. This work has been delayed. Developing an o:'||.mi'/.alion to meet the demands ol' a hip transcontinental highway involves many unexpected problems. The enclosed is the first of these SERVICE MAI’S. The other maps, San Antonio to El Paso; San Antonio to Del Rio and San Antonio to Brownsville, are nearly ready for immediate issue. The maps for the other states will follow. We have had lo organize a force to palher information over all this extended territory to make these maps worth while to travelers and helpful to you, and numerous details incidental to a first issue have had to he worked out. In October1 a series for the northern tourist will he issued, and men will now start out to compile, these maps. Please help us with your suggestions, for we aim to develop for Old Spanish Trail lines the best map service, in the United Stales. The. advertising insertions will be restricted to OST members. We hope you will pardon the delays. Hereafter this department will move according to schedule and (lie service will improve. June .‘iOtli. 1923 H. B. AYRES. OST Managing Director