Ifclf a Xoaow farther wo .Ivvl oa cat? loft the I»alo Lite ($dl 'fro6)» which accord-lag to the Gosapal belief is i'a balf-vay point of this desert, but certainly is not. 5’oXicjcd c.-uv course with a tkcurrmd iwslcaa windings which longihaacd •oho rood nore then a third without foxy roaaenj and arrived at 13;S0 at a -piece called Lns i’molnal, end of cur day’s journey* having tramled -3 ieagucs n«?fchsaot. lead is oolcr do canola, s :•;“/* etc. Hack ganta «j ike iluoccs and Eaciaas. S[Jq place r.-o halted is ad..Irable haesnso cf tv.-:) lafbons which preserve water all tho year* although the t/ild ?iorso3 keep .it v:.uldy asst of the ties* This baa cm aguarje. On the 29 va v.-ot oat at 8:45,traveling vary fast, end at tlrnos and one-half lCi-;:-ao3 arrived at tho beginrains of the woods of iho Rio la-io, over Mile of rolling country '/cry cdril: ■..• to the preceding.- Ska wood, is about' a quarter of lo.-yc wide, aad adorns both aiders of the Rio Srlo. A the end of the wood we ease oat or. 3o:o Mlle(lcraeri£ss)ovism jaoro bare than previous ones. Tao leagues on we'arrived at the water hole, of Las dficcrcmsao so called because hare the escort iron Tosuc waits far that- fro:.i Coakailri. It is a pool of.Gcoi sisc; with water dll the ye or, but rrad&y and ill tasting, savroauded with codas (casinos). ho arrived hero at 1:30? dined and in. half an hour ocatinuad ovar the Imsrias. At' three and cue-half leagues wo arrived at a place euliod San iiieuolitop whoi’o there is a tank (estoguo). ooao 40C stops(pasoa) lone end tiralvo wi&o, rdtlier doop and full' of crystalline water* as the water bottom is of stone, vo did not stop, but went on another two leagues aad Jialtsd at lao’-^ffunillas* Eleven 1* K. n. 2. Ca^p too pitched at a sw-oiapt clangs) at the edge cf the wood; tho ground was covered with grass, necessary to burn it for fear eg anakaa. 1 wont to lock at the lakes (lasuaao) which ore of bod vr ter nnd full of laud* surrounded by coin, etc. One of than viva, dry* I crossed it carefully aad beneath tlic mud. I saw remains of a crawfish* etc. T- ■ On iho 30 th wo sat cut at 8:15 ever la.so»iao of popal, nosquito, otc.