Mr. Hoffman explained that until the divisioning of Florida, was completed, there should be no election of officers or directors from Florida. It was thereupon'moved and carried that this matter be left to the president and Board of Directors after consultation with the Florida people by the Managing Director. George Zoleasi, Mobile, Ala., reported on Alabama conditions.' Ho stated that Mobile and Southern Alabama stood loyally for the OLD SPANISH TRAIL and had .refused to consent to other highway movements entering upon this route, marking or claiming any section of it. He reported that the §25,000,000 road lav; amendment incorporated the OLD SPANISH TRAIL from I ho Mississippi lino to Mobile, but that from Mobile to Pensacola the route would bo independent of that lav;. He further stated that the Auto Club of Mobile had voted to mark the Trail in Alabama ae soon as advices had been received from the Trail Association. Mayor Frank Sutter, Paso Christian, Mice., Mayor John Kennedy, Biloxi, Mice., State Engineer Callaway and Col. J. C. Hardy, Gulfport, Mies., and others reported or. fcho Mississippi Count. A great deal cf money has been voted but storm damage last fall has raised the question of beach protection. An editorial from the'Non Orleans Item v«s.s read. It urged Louislima to xompletu one higm/ay; it mowed that thy OLD SPANISH TRAIL v,ac Mu. ner-t . r.y highway in Loud, that scattering road work all over the state v/as waste, for no one could find a road in or out of Now Orleans that might be traveled over. Ray H. Fleming, Hew or1emir, L ., reporting for ^cuiolana, stated that thy editorial jact read really covered Louisiana conditions mid that he could add nothing except that the Motor League of Louisiana and people of Hoy; Orleans were -orking at all times to complete the OLD SPANISH TRAIL. Ho told of the meeting January 13th, at How Orleans chars representative is from 'parrebonns and St. Mary5.’ Parish mot with the business man of Now Orleanc and r.oprassnt-ativoa of the Association of Commerce, How Orleans, Motor League cf Louisiana and the OLD SPANISH TRAIL Association, where plans were discussed for improving the road through the mvamp bptween-Morgan City and gib:-.on. He stated that every effort wan being made to solve that problem. Charles I*. Kerr, Engineer, formerly of the State Highway Commission, also spoke on the interact in Louisiana in completing tlis Trail across Louisiana and also stated that the constitutional amendment on roads to be acted on in March included the OLD SPANISH TRAIL entirely across Louisiana. Mayor \7. 2. Lea, orange, Texao, reported that cement roads were being built in Orange county, at §4^,000 per mile. He discussed the bridge over the Sabine River (the boundary between Texas and Louisiana) and told of the struggle of the GFity of Orange for the past three years.with this problem, in which interstate end navigable