f INSPECTION EORDER HIGHWAY FROM BROWNSVILLE TO EL PASO The inspection party composed of Judge W. W. McCrory, member State Highway Commission, Mr. A. R. Losh, Federal District Enginee. Capt. J, D. Fauntleroy, State Highway Engineer, Colonel Edgar Jady?' representing the War Department, Dr. Fred B« Johnston, Presideni. Spanish Trail Association, R. B. Thompson, OST, D. E. Colp, Manager Texas Division OST, S. Deane Wasson, Staff Correspondent Houston Chronicle, and a representative of ohe San Antonio Express, will arrive at Brownsville Thursday evening May 4th, and leave Brownsville Friday morning. May 5th, as per the following schedule*. Brownsville Saturday May 6th 6? miles to Rio Grande City - leave 8 Mission Arrive leave 11:30 1:30 a.rn. p.m* 16.3 7.7 Roma 9 a.m* Closner 2 pvm. 39. 4.3 „ . Arrive 12 noon Zapata ieave 1*30 p.m. Havana 2:45 p.m. 1613 1.6 San Ignacio 3;30 p.m. Sam Fordyoe 3:30 p.m. 35.8 11.7 Gracias 5:30 p «m. Laredo - arrive 5:30 p.m, Mon.8th leave 7:30 a.m. Del 1 9.2 Rio Grande City -arrive 6:30 p.m, Itinerary Laredo-Del Rio section v/ill be mailed out tomorrow. Insufficient data to complete it tod?, ay. _ Mr, Losh and Captain Fauntleroy are both anxious to meet the County Judge, Commissioners and Engineer of each County< Matters of vast importance to be discussed by these officials. Judge McCrory, our Highway Commissioner is very anxious for a conference with the citizens. Therefore, we suggest that the commercial organizations and other civic clubs together with the county officials arrange for a mass meeting in order that Judge McCrory, Mr, Losh and Capt, Fauntleroy may have an opportunity of giving the voters first-hand information on what v/ill be necessary for them to do in order to build and maintain this and other highways in this State, I will ask you to kindly notify me oare Miller Hotel at Brownsville not later than Thursday noon if ypur town wants to avail themselves of the above program, and give such suggestions as you may think adviseable in order that we may know something more definite concerning the work in each town along the line. Very truly yours. OLD SPANISH hr •• TRAIL £ Manager Texas jDivision P, S, The speakers of our party will be Mr. Losh, Capt. Fauntleroy, Colonel Jadwin and Judge McCrory. San Antonio, Texas, May 1st, 1920