(SAN JOSE COfrTTKUED') 19 XV THIS DROUGHT PRESERVATION OF SAK JOSS. (This ha3 been compiled with the assistance of 'rs. brought, and of the builder and of the architect and of Father Garriga.) XVI SPANISH CEAFTS-hUrSHIP AMD CULTURE. (Thia chapter shows how and why such a cathedral-like structure was possible in the wild erne 3 a. any misconceptions are corrected. The men who carried thru the Drought preservation, and architects and builders have helped with thi3.) Appendix (hiaeellaneous data developed in the researches) 1 San Jose "iasion name. 2 '.iesquite in Texas. (The general belief there was no sesquite in South Texas not correct.) 5 Early Spanish Sntradaa. (A compilation that, includes dates, duration, size, equipment etc.) 4 -Wilderness 'anna. (How they ate and lived on those wilderness journeys.) 5 First leople at San Antonio. (Dates etc. now insisted as correct, not proven. Data comoiled for information.) 6 Spanish Personalities. (a reference record so that readers may know who the personages are that are mentioned) 7 Spanish words—meanings and pronunciation• 8 Spanish trails in South Texas. (The constant statements about the "Old San Antonio Road" not correct.) 9 '"ission architecture. 10 Trail mileage (now this was computed in those primitive times and how to estimate those records in present-day studies.)