Sail Antonio, Texas April 8, 1929. COPY lir. William H. Furlong, Assistant: Manager and lianager Highv. ay Depar trnon t, Chamber of Commerce, Sun Antonio, Tosac. Dear Bill: Decently 1 had occasion to spend several days in Colorado, Texas, and while there 1 riade several trips between Abilene and Big -pring, located on the Bankhead Highway. while on those trips I was lr;.prossed with the number or northern and western automobiles I mot go'ng both East and ;ost. Literally thousands of cars were on this short stretch of 118 miles. These oars bore licenses of Ohio, Hew York, Michigan, Missouri and California, and,in fact, I not cars from all over the United States. Knowing your great interest in the highway work, I feel that this inform, tion would be of inter st to you. They are making a big bid for the tourists and arc get king a voig’' groat many that I fool should be cor ing through San Antonio. Hope this will be of none help to you. With best personal regards, I am Sincerely yours (Signed) Joe Hyman