f'r -tcr : atel. ftan \z&Q\i:.a, ' esr.o i'cce*’' or V.6 •> 1950 "r. C. v. ?he old Fissions eo J n~ returning then; yen con uoo then elserdere one! f ns enve their coot- A iorro travel -wc-tr;! can be brought dour. to'tMc Id J'-panieb 'Tfoi1 ?f the old hiotorical uorks con bo properly portrayed* heeo o'!d corks ore quite Burneroho end very interest!iv: nil across iron hojrt Aurustine to San Itfo^o.......and •'■ogaleo should be included in this tourist trek. for you also have •!' 3c historical interest ao well no the ver • ■'—'creoti -g “oxienrs interest* c yet rrny iotterr- of SrcjwJry and it is t'o old ! iotory the peoplo arc lured by. Authors ant editors also* and students end libraries. nrito for tWeij so that rot only trove loro tan bo drawn thlo way but -ajyvaine articles e«d boeko nil help build up i-rhorett jf ~u: cor. pot the etor,y out in the- ope/! nr.U cccccalblo. ■t present only •rarre historical information con fee cent and this results in r*oat letters not receiving ony satisfactory ansoer, J m therefore seeking a collection of the historical viono, of buildings so a whole* of old -nans, and of notable construction details like nice windana, dooro or other architectural., artistic or engineering dotai la. here purely are phOT.&raphera or J. divld’sa la there that have taken pride in petti-g tsicb photos. hero oro such porno c t« the other historical centers end from the i re aro obtaining very intcroot' phot.es. *t may cost a bit oi‘ effort to find these persons but the effort in wort.-Tib5 lo. You probably havo not had occasion to find such porno-a. Your sJogoloc I nginocrl o.« oo-e years ago, traced an eld ao and they may be able to give- :yod lea do. Financing and publishing a book of historical oconea will be oomet-ipg of r> job but I believe it can and oho Id be dene. "y present album of historical photos in proving very helplul in intcro t’ng -c