Cory to Pres . Fill ms ‘.Pellaho ssee .Florida, November 29,1919. Mr • B .F.Colp ,SSoo:ret r-ry, Texas Hood Fosds -“ssooiatlor, Aiistip, Texas. My dear Sir: Your wi re relative to endorsing President S.M.Williams of the Highways Industries Association for place on the Peace CO'-rainoioners’ Board, tor duly-received, and 1 referred the natter to President Pillans of Mobile,as it was toe important forme to undertake to decide.alone. I tar. enclosing you the telegram from headquarters» The Old Spanish Trail Association is very-much interested in all road development,and will gladly co-operate ir any way possible; but you rill realize that it is a difficult matter to undertake to suggest the an-ocintroent of a gentletna n .unknown to any of our officers, for place on a Board that is to handle matters of such vital imnortunoe to our Country: you would ask for more informs ion before taking any action. It is all quite new to us and we have no information,except your telegram. If you will favor us with more may bo that some action can be taken, although the OS? Association confines its work to boosting good roads.keeping out of other matters. It seems that this is a matter where President Wilson should select the members of the Peace Commission, However, you probably have knowledge of matters that we, as yet, are in ignorance of, and will be glad to hear further from you,in regard to same. Bids on the Apaioehicolv Bridge will bo omened at the State I'oad Department office here Dec .19th* be will try to have the Trail throughout Florida in first-class condition soon.witn streams bridged ;mo3t of it is good,now. Your Association is do in w great work,and we th a rik ,y ou for i t. ’ Trusting to hear from you,I am, ^ery truly, . Asst.Soey.QST.