Juno Id, 1917c Hr. R. -I. woodall, Editor Automobile blue Boole, Chicago, 111. Boar Sir: >:3u.r lottoro of the 12th last, received. Tho times mentioned were made 'by the follov/ing pooplo: Hallaiiassoo *co xoupa, - :c. LolloogarA, uincy to «Tael:sonvoillet Son of -XI»~ K. Corry, Sarapa to ffallalxassoo, ISc. M. Hopklias of Sallahassoo. HoMlo to IT0x7 Orleans, "r. Syclaoy Lowenstoin ia a Pacliard ftrln Sissr* Pascagoula to Pass Christian, was Eenton-BoIIslo-H.' InSSogrtown, and oflgftffijat tho worst part of the road was between Renton-and ■Sog^rer', and that the reason he did not go by v/ay of Bogolusa instead of ferrying to Sliuoll was that ho did not havo tho timo. Horry at Ilobilo I do not soo any ohanec to oliminato in tho no r future. Bonds bavo boon voted to olinihato ferry across tho Chattahoochee, Bridge eliminating forry at Pascagoula should bo completed in August. Pill IIov; Orleans to Log-town should bo eonplotod in January .> Tho Jackson Highway Pathfinders said it would bo a shamo whon tho Logtown forry was oliminatod, as it was so yrottyV- lir. Lov/onstein states that route he tool; from Yours truly S.iLoB/lIS - SECRETARY,