LAKE HIGHLANDS CLUB HOUSE CLERMONT. FLORIDA wec.JI,I32I. Ur.K.B.Ayres, Managing Director, Old Spanish Trail, Hotel Gunter, San Antonio,Texas. Dear Mr.Ayres;-~ I have had a letter from LSrs.F.R.S.Phil1 ipc,during the past v/eek giving me a lot of data regarding the early history of the 03T together with information regarding routes and other things,which I will weave into a story as "warp" vr th the matter sent by you,sometime ago as the "woof". I believe the newspapers of the state will sta- d for it. I am busy now,and have been for several days past,trying to arouse the people of Tampa raid the ires! coast,generally,to’the importance of attracting attention to themselves and to the state by the holding of a world's fair in Tampa-,‘during the winter of 1928-9, commemorative of the landing of do Harvaez./< V . „ As a mere publicity stunt it would be the best thing over to strike Florida. It would do more to stimulate the people of the state to build good roads for the next world's fair will ho an automobile fair to a degree not dreamed of by the managers of the San Francisco or San Dlejfo fairs in 191p and,yet,those two events did more to make California a state of good roads than any other combination of ago,noli I imduced the Civic c' ub,of Clermont,to spring the scheme as coming from the history section desirous of doing something which would arouse the people of the state to do some tiling to pres cry- tu-wonderful historic end romantic background of Florida. I saw to it that a number cf letters were written to where they would or should do the most good and,Friday morning, I sent a story +o the newspapers to be printed in the Sunday issues. I am waiting to see whether or not I am on u dead one. If the papers take to it I can put it over. If they are lukewarm or if they throw down the idea,el together,1111 drop it -ml go after sonothing else. I didn't lei! you,did I,that v.c ere trying to induce the government to build one of the foun vocational * raining schools.