CQMl.rSHTS RTSPGCTIHO TUT DRA'VIllG The border and scroll seem good. The shield is good but believe the Royal Banner should be first and the Golumbus flag second. Some have commented the flags lack gracefulness. The symbols in the shield border as follows: Shell--should be more distinctly a shell. See photostats. Gross--all right as now. Photostats the guide. Sun Cross--not according to cony. Hew cony herewith, also the following comment as guide to the drawing. "There are many sun symbols but this appealed because it is 'different' and expressive. The lines of the Gia. syn symbol were drawn free hand, they lacked stiffness of design as now used, yet they were by no means crude, just a'bit out of straight line, the circle very well drawn." This cross should be the free hand typo. Ermine--On photostats B and G, small design , the ermine. (symbolizes tno purity of their knightly purnoses.) The order of uso of these designs may be as the artist thinks best.