TELEPHONE CROCKETT 2268 PRESIDENT-DR. FRED B. JOHNSTON, san antonio. Texas VICE PRESIDENTS: FLORIDA—F. W. MARSH, PENSACOLA, fLORIQA ALABAMA—JOHN CRAFT. MOBILE. ALABAMA MISSISSIPPI—H. S. WESTON. LOOTOWN. MISS. LOUISIANA—MARTIN BEHRMAN, NEW ORLEANS. LA. EAST TEXAS—W. E. LEA. ORANGE. TEXAS WEST TEXAS—WALTER SCHREINER. KERRVILLE, TEXAS WESTERN—A. H. GARDNER. TOMBSTONE. ARIZONA MANAGING DIRECTOR-H. B. AYRES, san antonio. Texas SECRETARY—HERBERT BAYLISS. LAKE CHARLES. LA. TREASURER—M. G. McNAIR, GULFPORT. MISS. FIELD ENGINEER—HARRY LOCKE. LOS ANGELES. CALIF. DIRECTORS—S. H. PECK. MOBILE. ALABAMA R. H. FLEMING. NEW ORLEANS. LA. H. A. McOONALD, 8EAUM0NT. TEXAS J. C. BAUMGARTEN. SCHULENBURG, TEXAS MRS. JULIE RIEGLER. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS March 13, 1933 Hr. I, C-. Adams, Pres.,, Mobile Auto Club, Mobile, Ala. Dear Sir: St is with pleasure that I accept your kind invitation to be present at the Gulf Coast Conference in Mobile on March 30th, and especially at your annual dinner. I shall endeavor to do my best to entertain the Conference if you desire my name on the program. I would suggest as a topic something like this - The Gulf Coast Country, its relation to the Spanish Trail. Yery sincerely,