Ur. S. A. LeBlanc, Sec. Old Spanish Trail Assn., Division National Highways Association Mobile, Alabama. Dear Sir: "Elmwood" Cambridge, Mass . Oc tober 8, 1917. mW !>! OCT i 1 !> Copy of your letter of Septenb^r 29 th to Mr. W. P. P.eynolda President of the Young County Good Roads Association, olney, Texa?, is received and has had Mr. Davis’s attention. In it you refer to the Official Log Book of the Old Spanish Trail Association. In case you have never sent either this office or our "Map Shop" said log book v/e would be pleased to have you do so a? soon as you get a new quantity as we like to have all such information. If you could also furnish us with the Route Book of which you speak showing north and south connections we would appreciate it, sending one copy here to this office and another copy to our "Map Shop", Mr. J. C. Milford, Chief Cartographer, 3211 13th St. N« W •, Washington, D •• G • Thanking you in advance for your courtesy in attending to the aoove.and for your interest aatid cooperation in connection with the work of this Association, we are yours very truly, f or / t-w S' Y?, / C ■ ■ • j Pres ideht'r"' /ACL Elias Vander Horst. C.E., new yohk SECRETARY TO BOARD OF NATIONAL COUNCILLORS ARTHUR H. BLANCHARD. C.E.. A.M.. New YORK timothy W. Sprague. S.b., boston Engineer to Board of National councillors Will Ward Duffield Francis Hurtudis, Jr. Director-General New England Department Robert Bruce, utica. n. y. national Highways historian Stanley E. Bates. S.B.. CHICAGO John C. Mulford Chief cartographer BY CONSENT: DEPOSITORIES FOR FUNDS OF THB NATIONAL HIGHWAYS ASSOCIATION WILMINGTON TRUST COMPANY. DCLAWARG General Coleman du Pont CHAIRMAN BOARD OF NATIONAL COUNCILLORS Charles Henry Davis, C.E. FREDERIC REMSEN HUTTON. M.E.. SC.D. GENERAL SECRETARY MORGAN. Lewis ft BOCKIUS, Philadelphia Waldron Williams, new York Judge J. M. LOWE, Kansas City, mo. PRESIDENT NATIONAL OlD TRAILS ROAD DEPARTMENT A. L. Westgard. new YORK VlCC-PR ESI DENT director Transcontinental Highways Henry Branson Varner VICE-PRESIDENT president North Carolina Good roads oivision Joseph Hyde Pratt, Ph.D. Vice-president SECRETARY NORTH CAROLINA GOOD ROADS DIVISION Nelson B. Clark, boston, mass. CHAIRMAN DIVISION OF PUOLICITY Francis Hill Bigelow assistant Treasurer John Phillips Marquand. boston, mass. C. H. CLAUDY. WASHINGTON Charles E. Foote, new York Technical editor National highways publications Walter Agnew ALSDORF. Columbus, Ohio Assistant dircctor-general Zacchius Davis Dunlap. Nashville. Tbnn.