San Antonio, Texas, June 8th, 1933 Mr. H. B. Ayres, Elks' Club, Washington, D. C, Dear Mr. Ayres: - Your letter of the 4th just received and I was very glad to hear from you, and am enclosing a note to the Club which is not far away from where you will be a great deal of the time, and you might possibly enjoy being around there for a few hour8 each day, and in case you wanted to have a conversation with someone it is an easy place to drop in. I note what you way in regard to the letter from the Chamber of Commerce, and in the event one comes in we will forward it to you immediately. Colp is expected in this morning from out West, and from the glowing accounts of the trip in the Houston Chronicle it appears that his trip has been very successful in creating a little bit of enthusiasm out West. If we can pull this,according to Colp's ideas, at Ft. Davis it may be we can jar the old nesters loose from a few pennies and get this thing on its feet. Shreve is between here and El Paso completing the marking and is expected in about the 14th, A friend of mine, Mr. Bowen, may call on you if he is in Washington, as I have just -written him you are stopping at She Burlington Hotel. Let me hear from you from time to time a3 you can, as I am always glad to hear from you. Very truly yours. FBJ:AH