From Snn Diego From St. Augustine 899.4-----ANTHONY. N. M.-STATE LINE___________________1917.6 21.1 mi. Concrete Paving. Pop. 038. Elevation 3703 ft. Road follows along the Rio Grande northward thru the irrigated districts. 878.3___________________MESILLA PARK, N. M._...............1938.7 66.7 mi. (Poor road 37.3 mi. Mesilln Park to county line; 29.4 mi. of Gravel to Doming.) Pop. 1000. Elevation 387S ft. A desert is entered after crossing the Rio Grande 5 mi. W. of Mesilla Park. The road is unimproved for 32 mi., bad in wet weather. Plans are prepared for building a new road during 1023. Another rough section begins at Steins Pass 17 mi.' W. of Lordsburg and extends 32.8 mi. to the Arizona line west of Rodeo. This road is financed for reconstruction fall of 1925. The other mileage across New Mexico is now federal standard construction. New Mexico suffers from a lack of road-building material, and in these two poor sections long, expensive hauls are involved. Oil and gas 26 mi. W. at Aden ; 39 mi. W. at Cam-bray ; -13 mi. W. at Akela. Scattered irrigated farms 8 to 16 mi. E. of Doming. All conveniences at Doming, Lordsburg and Rodeo. Pure soft drinking water at these places. SUGGESTIONS Any car can have an accident. It is best to carry emergency food, full thermos bottles and n desert bag with water. Keep filled with oil and gas. nlso see that the emergency equipment of all good travelers is complete—chains, lowing rope, extra fan belt, spares 811.6____________________DEMING, N. M............. 2005.4 61.8 mi. Good Gravel. Pop. 3212. Elevation 4215 ft. Still large areas of desert but good road promises pleasant journey. Oil and gas 21 mi. W. at Gage; 30 mi. W. at Wilnn, also food. 42 mi. W. at Separ. Deming is a junction point for several important railroads. All conveniences. Pure s.oft water. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Deming Chamber of Commerce. 749.8_______________LORDSBURG, N. M.........20*67.2 18.0 mi. Gravel. (Good for 17 mi. W., rough for 31 mi. to Rodeo.) Pop. 1326. Elevation 4244 ft. Oil and gas 17 mi. W.. then 31 mi. of desert and mountainous country. See suggestions above. This poor section financed for reconstruction fall of 1925. Lords-hurg is a railroad division point. All conveniences. Pure soft water. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Chamber of Commerce. Willard E. Holt. 701.8-______________________ RODEO, N. M___________________2116. 1.8 mi. Rough. Pop. 2G7. Elevation 4118 ft. All conveniences at Rodeo. Pure soft water. 700.0_______NEW MEXICO—ARIZONA LINE. 50 mi. Gravel. -2117.0 A pleasing drive for the road is good and the scenery improves. Oil and gas 11.6 mi. W. at Apache. THE MAIN STREET THRU ARIZONA The road across Arizona is good and is well maintained; they call it the Main Street thru Arizona. The scenery is varied and interesting—mountains and rich mining districts; deserts that arc interesting in their varied cactus growths; valleys made fertile and rich by irrigation. Arizona is hut 13 yrs. old ns a state. Its industry, mining, agriculture, education, road and city building are a tribute to its people and an inviting welcome to the traveler. In summer the elevations cool the temperature. In winter snow and ice do not block the road. From San Diego From <$t Augustin* 275.4--------------------SENTINEL, ARIZ._____________2541 6 56.7 mi. Gravel. Pop. 50. Elevation 687 ft. Typical southwestern desert land and the Mohawk mountain pass. Agua Caliento (Hot Springs) 15 mi! N. Medicinal springs and resort for tourists. All conveniences at Sentinel. 218.7.....................WELLTON, ARIZ.............2598.3 39.7 mi. Gravel, some rough. Pop. 85. Elevation 225 ft. Sandy mesa country. Wellton is a center for a proposed irrigated district to be supplied by wells. All conveniences at Wellton. 179.0 ____YUMA, ARIZ. (Colorado River)_____________2688.0 Zero at Bridge. Colorado River the State Line. 46.8 mi. (Paving, Gravel and 6 mi. of Plank Road.) Pop. 4237. Elevation 139 ft. Irrigation from Laguna Dam across the Colorado River. The present cultivated areas are 12 mi. S. of Yuma at Somerton. 132.2________________HOLTVILLE, CAL_____________2684.S 11.2 mi. Paving to he completed 1923. Pop. 1347. Below sea level, 19 ft. 121.0 ____________EL CENTRO, CAL.—...........2696.0 121.0 mi. Paving and Gravel. Pop. 5464. Below sea level, 51 ft. Entrance northward to the Imperial Valley. South to Calexico and Mexicali, border towns. 0.0_______________SAN DIEGO, CAL._...........2817.0 Zero at OST Zero Milestone at the Plaza. Pop. 74.6S3. Elevation 46 ft. at City Hall. OST Director, Ed Fletcher, Jr. San Diego is the Pacific Terminus of the Old Spanish Trail. It is the beginning of the Spanish occupation of California. The first mission, San Diego de Alcala, was started in 1769, then followed those other sanctuaries “a day’s journey apart" northward on and beyond San Francisco, twenty-one in all. While the patriots on the Atlantic slope wore fighting England for freedom Spain was peacefully building the missions along tho Pacific slope. Earlier than this her missions at Tucson and Nogales, at Santa Fe, at El Paso and Yaleta. at San Antonio, St. Augustine and elsewhere, and her works all thru these Southern Borderlands were crowning her name with an interest that will live thru the ages. The legends and landmarks of a romantic past lie along the pathways and out among the oy-ways of the Old Spanish Trail. INFORMATION AND SERVICE San Diego Chamber of Commerce. From San Diet-o Fr°m St- AuKustinr 650 0 DOUGLAS, AEIZ----------------2167.0 Zero nt Hotel Gadsden. 24.6 mi. Concrete Paving. Pop. 9916. Elevation 39C6 ft. Douglas is a modern typo of city and home of great smelters for the ores of the Bisbee district. Phelps-Dodgc and the Calumet & Arizona mines. Monthly production 13,000.000 lbs. copper. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Chamber of Commerce at Gadsden Hotel. AGUA PRIETA In Mexico at southern edge of Douglas. Let Chamber of Commerce direct you to the right places. 625.4_________________BISBEE, ARIZ.—...................—2191.6 Zero at Depot. 26.3 mi. Gravel and Asphalt. Pop. 9205. Elevation 5294 ft. Continental Divide crossed at 6030 ft. elevation. Monument marks the crest; the highest point on the Old Spanish Trail. Bisbee is the center for the great copper mines of the Phelps-Dodge and the Calumet Arizona interests. It is built in n canyon with the houses over one another and clinging to the canyon walls. 3000 men are employed in the mines. The Warren District around these mines including Bisbee embraces over 15,000 people. The crowded highway thru the canyon is essentially the city of Bisbee with its thousands of inhabitants : the highway is a beautiful piece of engineering over the mountain 0030 ft. high, easily driven and a mountain picture of impressive beauty. Mountain spring water at Bisbee. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Bisbee Chamber of Commerce. NACO On the border 8 mi. from Bisbee, both sides of the International Line like Nogales. 599.1—.........-TOMBSTONE, ARIZ...........................2217.9 26.3 ml. Gravel. Pop. 1178. Elevation 4504 ft. Tombstone was once a turbulent city as men sought the riches in silver buried in the mountains; $40,000,000 were taken from the mines. One pocket produced about $840,000.00: this is known today as the Million Dollar Stope. Tombstone now is a mine of interest to men of literature for it was one of the last stands of the Wild West where men fought and schemed and left behind tales now told by gray-bearded men to enrich the history of the Anglo-Saxon conquest of the West. Beginning 12 mi. W. of Tombstone the irrigated valley of the San Pedro River is reached, settled by Mormons and set with numerous artificial lakes shaded with big trees. Their village of St. David is 20 mi. W. Mountain spring water at Tombstone. NOGALES Pop. 15,000. Elevation 3869 ft. Branch at Tombstone for Nogales, the modern city, part in the United States and part in Mexico with the line fence thru a main street. Nogales is the gateway to the rich western const of Mexico, a city of refinement and character and every convenience for the traveler. The road is fine and a scenic treat. No traveler should fail of a visit. From Nogales to Tucson the road is up the Santa Cruz Valley. The missionary fathers built some of the earliest and greatest works in that valley above and below Nogales. The old missions Tumacacori and San Xavier lie between Nogales and Tucson. INFORMATION AND SERVICE A. H. Gardner. OST Vice President, would like to have you call on him nt Tombstone for information. 572 8_______BENSON,ARIZ. (San Pedro River)_______________22*14.2 52.4 mi. Gravel. Pop. 825. Elevation 3578 ft. At Vail 21 mi. E. of Tucson a trail leads to Colossal Cave that has been explored for 40 mi. It is open to visitors. The story is that about 25 years ago wounded train robbers were traced there by the blood and the existence of the cave became known. After several days one robber was found dead; the other escaped and" is believed to have returned later and recovered the stolen money. —30— San DicE° Fr0m St' Aucusljnt F""" .TUCSON, ARIZ...............2296.6 520* nij> (Concrete 5.4 mi., then Gravel to Florence.) Poo 20,292. Elevation 2386 ft. •riicson is another modern city of refinement and A;nimr the charm of the old Spanish atmosphere, n is set in a desert rich in the mystery of its varied nd fantastic cactus growths. Mountains rear their nnaks round about and Nature lavishes its colorings, irrigated districts arc developing extensively. The University of Arizona is at Tucson, chaste and refined in its structural development. The padres two centuries built one of their greatest missions there among the Indians. This mission, San Xavier, is 9 mi. south, founded about 1692. The present building, erected Inter is well preserved despite its struggles and disasters. The Pima Indian Reservation is around this mission. South toward Nogales is the old Tumacacori Mission, now a National Monument, and around Nogales are others. The Santa Cruz Valley was an early and active mission district. Irrigation for 10 mi. westward then desert and a fine road. Stock with supplies. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Tucson Chamber of Commerce. 450.8 ____FLORENCE, ARIZ. (Gila River)________________2366.2 67.3 mi. Paving and Gravel. Pop. 1161. Elevation 1490 ft. Irrigation lies around Florence. The new Coolidge Dam is to be built across the Gila River above Florence and that will become another richly cultivated section W. of Florence is desert again for 43.5 mi. to Desert Wells, and oil and gas. W. of Florence 36.9 mi., Apache Junction and the road to Roosevelt Dam. Beyond Desert Wells irrigation begins; a highline canal from the Roosevelt Dam is crossed and from there thru Mesa and Tempo to Phoenix and beyond the noted irrigated Salt River Valley is traveled. There arc three dams, the big Roosevelt Dam and the Horse Mesa and Mormon Flats. When filled these reservoirs impound water sufficient for three years. 3835.......PHOENIX, ARIZ. (Salt River)----------------- 2433.5 Zero at Adams Hotel. 34.6 mi. Paving. nuP' Elevation 1082 ft. . 1 hoenix is the capital of the State. Its beauty and interest are the pride of Arizonians. Nice streets, omea and public buildings. Irrigation gives attractive andscape gardening. Phoenix is the commercial center or the^ Salt River irrigation districts whose products are nationally noted and locally profitable. The Ro'x*-D»"> i» oo mi. E. from Phoenix. INFORMATION AND SERVICE Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. Automobile Club of Arizona. 101 W. Jefferson St. 48-9............- BUCKEYE, ARIZ...............-2468.1 44.0 mi. Paving and Gravel. Tho' n?°; Novation 9S0 ft. ... are 'u.c*ioye and the Arlington irrigation districts dam si*PPliod with water from a brush diversion th ™ r?» ‘h,'» ?ihl Riv>- from Buckeye. All conveniences In Bam r.t,0n* roaci uses the apron of the Gillespie "■’hen if1*’ cr?sain*- The water is seldom too high: service* i Highway Department places a truck 'n the Giin n- bridge planned. The road follows »nown 304.9 rrom ,he dam- ...........GHj.A BEND (Gila River)__ • -2512'1 p- 29-5 mi. Gravel. Irr^' JJ?0, Elevation 736 ft. 10.000 a , , from Gillespie Dam now waters about A. BrnnchC ^,V I there is capacity for S0.U00 c“!>Per mines? I,cnd for Ai°’ 01,0 ot • »n Arizona. All conveniences at Gila B wel* cross the draws in the western •"Kino. ,ow °r Hecond gear to avoid killing tnc —37— OLD DAM. MISSION IRRIGATING STEM, sAi —3S—