DIRECTORS ADVISORY BOARD FRLD L BAKER FRANK J BELCHER Jr* San Oicoo W LVALCNTINC J.V WACHTEL Imor rial h G MILLER W. L. BENCH LEY OnAnoe A C BALCH MONT. P CM U B B , San BR"'ioioino H W KELLER FRANK A MILLER. Rivc&uiDC W H BOOTH C A . BARLOW, kchn EG KUSTER CO HUBBARD Santa Barbara E T OFF HARRY CHANDLER. liftimiwlffli1 eliilmf ^uittlwnr a^aiiteiU; 134*1 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Los Angeles. Cal. May 13th, 1917. Mr. Palmer Pillans, Presidents Old Spanish Trails Association, o/o Booster's Club, Tallahasse , Florida. Dear Sir:- I regret very much indeed that the great distance separating California and Florida .and the strenuous activities at home combined to make it impossible for the Automobile Club of Southern California to be personally represented at the convention of the Old Spanish Trails Association. I desire to take this next-best means of expressing to you and to your association our most cordial and sincere wishes for a successful and pleasant meeting.^Tt is the desire of the Automobile Club of Southern California to co-operate in every possible way with the Old Spanish Trails Association, aid you will oblige ue by letting us know at any time that we may be able to help you in the good work that you are doing. It might possibly be of interest to the-attendante at your convention to know of some of the progress that this association has made during the past two years. Enjoying a membership at the present time of slightly less than 11,000 active members, we have been able to erect over 15,000 road signs covering the thirteen Southern Counties of California, and extending as far east over the National Old Trails as Kansas City, Missouri, and Big Springs, Nebraska; and from Los Angeles to Ely, Nevada,over the Midland Trail, connecting with the Lincoln Highway. ' OFFICERS FRED L. BAKER. Prcsiocnt W L VALENTINC.n' Prcaiocmt H .G MILLER. 2-° Ppc'.idunt £ G KUSTER, Attornl v STAN DISH L M ITCH E LL , See rctary RALPH REYNOLDS, Asot.Sccrctarv