BEAUMONT ENTERPRISE BEAUMONT JOURNAL MORNING EVENING THE SUNDAY' ENTERPRISE W P. hobby: President J. L.MAPES, Vico President and Publisher BEAUMONT, TEXAS April 22, 1930. Mrs. Henry Drought, 1215 N. St. Mary's St., San Antonio, Texas. Dear Mrs. Drought; Your very kind invitation to attend a reoeption on April 29th at your home for Mr. Harral Ayres has been received in the absonce of Mr. J. L. Mapes, who is in New York. He will be away another ten days, probably, and will be unable to attend the reception. I am sure he would like very much to have been in position to be there to join in honoring Mr. Ayres. Assuring you of our appreciation of the invitation. Yfi^s veryvfcruLy,